Leviticus: Learning to Be Holy

Leviticus: Learning to Be Holy

""Be holy, for I am holy"" (Leviticus 11:44). God wants His people to be holy. But, how do we do it? What does it really look like to be holy? The book of Leviticus is essential in understanding what it means to be holy. Unfortunately, it has largely been neglected in study over the years by believers in Jesus Christ. What if God gave specific principles in Leviticus that would be vital for our relationship with Him? What if He told us how to be holy? What if He told us how we are to worship Him? Join us as we walk through Leviticus together, chapter by chapter, and see how we should live in light of God's Word. We will learn what it means to be holy. We will look at the offerings instructed by God and see how Jesus ultimately fulfills each. We will examine the yearly feasts and discuss the importance behind each in its original context. Leviticus is such a rich book. Let's walk through it together. Join me.
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