
Judah of the Jewish House of Ben Hur is trying to keep his family alive and their fortune in tact during a Roman occupied Jerusalem. Through a series of unfortunate events, he looses his status, wealth, family home and his mother and sister are taken captive while he is shipped off to be a galley slave. Throughout the book, Ben Hur overcomes obstacles and finds grace on his road to redemption. This same road crosses paths many times with the Messiah and it changes the course of his life.

Judah of the Jewish House of Ben Hur is trying to keep his family alive and their fortune in tact during a Roman occupied Jerusalem. Through a series of unfortunate events, he looses his status, wealth, family home and his mother and sister are taken captive while he is shipped off to be a galley slave. Throughout the book, Ben Hur overcomes obstacles and finds grace on his road to redemption. This same road crosses paths many times with the Messiah and it changes the course of his life.