LIES and the LYING LIARS who tell them

LIES and the LYING LIARS who tell them Nazis, Swastikas, Pledge of Allegiance (exposed by Dr. Rex Curry's research)

The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior. Swastikas were "S" letters for "SOCIALIST" under the Nazis (the National Socialist German Workers Party). The pledge remains the first bullying that begins each day in government schools (socialist schools) in Police State USA. The astonishing discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry are reviewed by author Ian Tinny who then asks the question that must be asked: What do Americans know about the pledge? And, if not, why don't they know? When did they first not know? Why don't they ask to have the pledge explained to them? Do they know that they don't understand it? Americans say repeatedly, "The pledge is freedom!" The presstitutes say nothing in response. Is it because there's a socialist bias in the media? I think so. And I think their attitude is: "Americans don't know! Leave those pathetic voters alone, they don't know!" Join the Pointer Instutute and the Dead Writers Club and help provide remedial education. Stop teachers from drilling children to verbally fellate the flag every morning. Stop the daily witch hunt. Stop the Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them. Remove the pledge from the flag; remove flags from schools; remove schools from government.
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