Liminal Thinking Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think
"Why do some people succeed at change while others fail? It's the way they think! Liminal thinking is a way to create change by understanding, shaping, and reframing beliefs. What beliefs are stopping you right now? You have a choice. You can create the world you want to live in, or live in a world created by others. If you are ready to start making changes, read this book."
Pranav Mutatkar@pranavmutatkar
Melike Oran@melikeoran
Can Uzuner@uzuner
Jon Eckert@jeckert
Nast Marrero@nast
Wei-Meng Lee@weimeng
Nick Mastenbroek@nickmastenbroek
Jesper van Haaren@jesper
Robin Peek@robinpeek
Irina @crystalkeen
Xavier Roy@xavierroy
Salvatore Chiarenza@chiarensal
Erin Noel@erinhnoel
Hooman Askari@hoomanaskari
Jonas Maaløe@jmaaloe
Joshua Line@fictionjunky
Lucas Coelho@coelholucas
Adam Wilson@adamwilson
Peter Polgar@polgarp
Gabi Garcia@productgabi