Shaping Nations

Shaping Nations Constitutionalism and Society in Australia and Canada

On the last page of his classical work, Freedom and Independence for the Golden Lands of Australia Reverend John Dunmore Lang, observed, 'Remote as [Australia and Canada] are from each other, there is a secret sympathy between these two countries'. Written in 1852, this was one of the earliest and most compelling statements about the distinctive relationship between these two British colonies A relationship which would be vigorously changed in 1890s as Australia Federationists considered range of constitutional options available to them One hundred years later, there continues to be shared interest in Australia's constitutional debate concerning the prospect of becoming a republic, along with its celebration of the centenary of Federation. Canadian Prim Minister Jean Chretien recently commented that "Canadians are aware if the blessings of Australia, many of which we share..." Lang's 'secret sympathy' is probably mare accurate now that ever before.
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