Darkening of the Light

Darkening of the Light Witnessing the End of an Era

OVER THE LAST decade or more we have become increasingly aware of how our materialistic, energy-intensive civilization has been destroying the fragile balance of the web of life that has sustained humanity and all living beings for millennia. Yet, while spiritual teachings tell us that the events in the outer world are a reflection of changes taking place in the inner worlds, we appear to have little awareness of how this outer darkening is reflected within. This book, written between 2004 and the winter of 2012, tells the story of these inner changes that belong to our spiritual destiny and the fate of our planet. It is a witness to the darkening of the light of the sacred, reflected in our continued ecological destruction, and what this might mean to our shared destiny. With this darkening comes the danger that we may lose the opportunity for the global awakening that was possible at the beginning of the new millennium. This story of our collective destiny, however painful, needs to be heard if we are to take responsibility for the Earth and reclaim our sacred role as guardians of the planet.
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