
I really wish I could say I was hooked by this series but I'm losing interest. I'm reading it mostly now out of maternal obligation as my son devoured the series in one sitting. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2018/comm...

The kids branch out a little, and Zack is still searching for keys and harassing the family. He is a very creepy character.

4.5/5 I am still absolutely loving this graphic novel series!!! I’m really enjoying the new aspects and development in this book. This volume definitely had more character development and hit some emotional topics. I love the concept of all the different keys having different purposes, and discovering what each new key does! I’m loving where the plot is going, and I’m looking forward to see where it continues to go!

The emotion this made me feel is insane. I love the keys and how they all do different stuff and I hope they all work out their struggles.

Reread January 26th, 2021 I liked this volume quite a lot. The story is unfolding and is giving us a few answers along with more questions. Gripping. First read in November, 2015 Oooooh! I loved this one much more than the previous one. It was a good one. I like the relations between siblings in it. And I strangely love their friend, though he's a douche.

These just keep getting better and better. Best one I've read so far!!

I’m so addicted to these, I think this might be my favourite so far!

Alas, this definitely wasn't my favorite volume in this series so far. Let me tell you, things have gone to a very dark place at Keyhouse. While the first volume had me a little on edge because of all the violence, this one had me feeling a little icky because of all the darkness. I guess it's probably only fair to mention that I have this weird tick when it comes to children and danger or violence. It's hard for me to like a character at all, even if I know what their motivations are, if they're mistreating a child. Right now, Bode's mother is not my favorite person. In fact, if I had the capability to reach into this graphic novel I would have slapped her repeatedly across the face already. I kind of had an inkling that dark days were coming for this family. I knew eventually things would stop being whimsical, and start being real. I just wasn't prepared. That being said, this is all my own bias because the arc is still going strong in this series! There were some great new keys introduced, one of which broke my heart, and we finally see the true nature of our villain. You know what makes the villain in this series so gut-wrenchingly terrible? That I actually feel sorry for him/her sometimes. Joe Hill is an amazing writer, and I both love and hate him for it. As for the illustrations? You know the deal! I'm in love with Gabriel Rodriguez's expert work. It shines through here, even within the darkness, and it's going to keep me reading on. I need to know what happens to this family.

Loving this series!