
Gossamer by Lois Lowry is the shortest novel by her I've read. It's more mood piece than a full novel. It deals with dreams, nightmares, love and abuse. Littlest One is learning how to bestow dreams. She is assigned the home of an old woman who is fostering a child with a history of abuse. His dreams are troubled and he's a prime target of the Sinisteed who inflict nightmares. What I love about Lowry's novels is that they are all so different: in tone, plot and setting. This one I'd classify as thoughtful (and thought provoking) fantasy. On the surface it's just the story of a dream giver learning her craft and an old woman trying to give a loving home to a troubled boy. It's also though about love and patience and their abilities to help one heal from painful experiences. Lowry's books are typically ones that I read in one sitting and Gossamer is no exception.

Such a good story. It's for younger readers, but as I love the night and faeries and dreams, it was good for me. There's not much to it, but just like there's not much to your imagination. Beautiful writing and very different from The Giver books.