Long Way Down

Long Way Down

SHORTLISTED for the CILIP Carnegie Medal, WINNER of the UKLA 'A masterpiece from beginning to end.' Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give AND THEN THERE WERE SHOTS Everybody ran, ducked, hid, tucked themselves tight. Pressed our lips to the pavement and prayed the boom, followed by the buzz of a bullet, didn't meet us. After Will's brother is shot in a gang crime, he knows the next steps. Don't cry. Don't snitch. Get revenge. So he gets in the lift with Shawn's gun, determined to follow The Rules. Only when the lift door opens, Buck walks in, Will's friend who died years ago. And Dani, who was shot years before that. As more people from his past arrive, Will has to ask himself if he really knows what he's doing. This haunting, lyrical, powerful verse novel will blow you away. 'A heartrending and convincing blank verse narrative.' Sunday Times, BOOKS OF THE YEAR 'Astonishing.' Kirkus Reviews 'A tour de force.' Publishers Weekly 'Will attract teenagers who don't consider themselves 'readers'.' The Inis Reading Guide
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Photo of Paula Plaza Ponte
Paula Plaza Ponte @paulapp
4 stars
Apr 22, 2024

Loved the original and loved this graphic novel too. The art work is phenomenal. Really brought a lot of the text to life in a different way. Wonderful.

Photo of Ryan
Ryan @ryandoesread
3 stars
Jan 19, 2024

2.5 stars this is just one of those books where everyone raves about this book but for me, i hardly feel the same way with everyone else. i hardly read books in verse, so this was the first book that i ever read that had an interesting layout like this. this book definitely reads like a normal book would, a story that’s being told. however, i feel somewhat disappointed that IT IS read more like a story rather than in poetic verse. i don’t know if that’s me because i’m recently learning about analyzing poetry in my ap english literature class, but i think it’s good that when people start reading this book, it’s not going to confuse the hell out of you. most of the story happens within a minute, which for me sounds a bit overbearing to go through when realistically, these characters in the story come in and SO many things happen that you think, “Does this really happen within a minute?” i get the message of the story, knowing that revenge is not the best case and how drugs, gang culture, and violence plays a role in will’s decision. it definitely challenged will to rethink certain things that he has been following for mostly his life. we also see how violence within a community such as this is perpetual. there’s this never-ending cycle of revenge leading to violence, then to death and how there’s nothing that can be changed about that. BUT for some reason, it didn’t hit me in full impact like i wanted to that everyone else that read this book felt.

Photo of Cat Josephson
Cat Josephson@themorrigan12
5 stars
Mar 1, 2023

After the first 5 pages, I wasn't sure I was going to like this book... But it quickly won me over. Probably the best book I've read all year.

Photo of Lu 🌷
Lu 🌷@smokesignals
5 stars
Jun 28, 2022

*reread by far the best and most impactful YA book i’ve ever read

Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
4 stars
Mar 7, 2022

Masterfully crafted

Photo of Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown @jeffb23
4 stars
Feb 25, 2022

I gave my review of the novel which listened to on audiobook, and gave 5 stars. I didn’t like the artist at all. For such an important subject for YA, the artistry seemed childish, like for readers 10 years younger. Distracting.

Photo of nelly sanchez
nelly sanchez@itsjinelle
3 stars
Feb 4, 2022

3★ As the first book in verse that I have ever read, I completely fell in love with the writing style. I do lowkey regret buying this full price in Barnes and Noble though because I didn't know it was in verse and I ended up reading the whole thing in a little over an hour. But, it was still a gorgeous story. It is so powerful and moving, and I fully believe that everyone should read this book at least once.

Photo of Kaitee Tredway
Kaitee Tredway@kaiteeyaeko
5 stars
Dec 17, 2021

Goddamn. Listened to this — outstandingly read/written. I think I need to see the words on the page too. Damn. This really took me outside of my lived experience, something I haven’t done with a book in a while. Damn.

Photo of Kathleen Boyle
Kathleen Boyle@kitkath
4 stars
Dec 6, 2021

This was a really interesting story. I loved the way it was written and the poetry really added to the story. It was beautiful. I had a hard time getting into it at times, I felt a little detached from the storytelling, I don't think it was the verse though. The audiobook is narrated by Jason Reynolds and he was fantastic. I understand his decision to narrate it, he knows exactly how to convey the emotion of his own words. At the end of the audiobook, there is an interview with the author and it was really insightful and really opens up a little bit more about the story and its inspiration.

Photo of Ivayla Stefanova
Ivayla Stefanova@theunusualbooklover
3 stars
Nov 29, 2021

This book is great! The author's narration makes it a surreal experience! Yet it lacked in character development and since I've already read it twice, I was bored at times.

Photo of laura
5 stars
Nov 20, 2021

I thought this book was impactful and such a important read. It is graphic novel created from his other work. I thought this book was super impactful and dealt with so many topics that are just not talked about like gun violence and cycle of violence and loss. I am also was so captured by the graphic style and just caught my heart. Will made my heart hurt and it just made me angry. but also like a solid look into a experience, i have no knowledge of.

Photo of Kath Lau
Kath Lau@kath_reads
4 stars
Nov 18, 2021


Photo of Linn Jukri
Linn Jukri@linn_jukri
4 stars
Oct 31, 2021

I listened to the audiobook earlier this year and really enjoyed it. But this took it to the next level. I felt a lot more connected to the characters and their backstories when I could see it through the absolutely breathtaking illustrations. A very quick read but I will definitely come back to revisit the story and marvel at the beautiful watercolour style pictures.

Photo of Danielle Ely
Danielle Ely@dhowlandpink
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

Heartbreaking and real This story tears my heart apart thinking this is real life for so many people in our country, our world.

Photo of Janne Janssens
Janne Janssens@wordsnwonders
5 stars
Aug 29, 2021

BE/NL Review Bedankt aan Blossom Books en L&M Books voor dit recensie-exemplaar. Dit beïnvloedt mijn leeservaring en recensie in geen enkel opzicht. De graphic novel 67 SECONDEN is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Jason Reynold (originele titel: LONG WAY DOWN). Danica Novgorodoff verzorgde de illustraties. Wanneer zijn grote broer Shawn wordt neergeschoten op het basketbalpleintje, zonder duidelijke reden of dader, kan Will maar één ding denken: hij moet De Regels volgen. Niet snitchen. Niet huilen. Wraak. Gewapend stapt hij de lift in van zijn appartementsgebouw om zijn eigen verdachte van de moord op zijn broer te gaan confronteren. De rit naar beneden duurt 67 lange seconden. Op elke verdieping stapt er iemand die Will kent. Bij het horen van een ieders verhaal begint Will steeds harder te twijfelen of hij wel goed doet aan het volgen van De Regels. Een woordje van waarschuwing: deze graphic novel bevat vermeldingen en beelden van geweld, moord en vuurwapens. 67 SECONDEN doorbreekt grenzen, zowel inhoudelijk als vormelijk. Jason Reynolds snijdt het confronterende onderwerp aan van geweldadige milieus, waar jongeren vaak ongevraagd in terecht (en meestal geboren) worden, van hoe moeilijk het is om de vicieuze cirkel van geweld en wraak te doorbreken. Graphic novels hebben vaak een beperkte verteltijd, en dat maakt het soms een hele opgave om lezers emotioneel bij de keel te grijpen, ondanks de versterkende werking van beelden. Reynolds en Novgorodoff slagen hier dik in. Ik was even sprakeloos toen ik de laatste bladzijde omsloeg en moest alles even laten bezinken. Dit verhaal was ruw en confronterend, want het is levensecht. Het trekt je als lezer, die vaak ver weg leeft van dergelijke omstandigheden, uit je comfortzone en dwingt je de ogen te openen, dwingt je na te denken over de fijne grens tussen zinloos geweld, geplande wraak en zelfverdediging. De illustrator hield zich niet aan de conventionele kaderindeling die strips en graphic novels typeren. Daarmee ondersteunt de vormgeving sterk de inhoud. Vandaag de dag zijn onze gevoelens, meningen, ervaringen amper nog in hokjes op te delen. We leren dat ieders hun verhaal heeft. Dit verhaal omvat veel mysterie en onafgelijnde emoties, die gereflecteerd worden in dynamische vormen van de inkleuring met waterverf. 67 SECONDEN is veruit de beste graphic novel die ik tot hiertoe gelezen heb. Het is een hartverscheurend, confronterend, mysterieus en wervelend verhaal, dat een grote meerwaarde aan je boekenkast geeft.

Photo of zatul
zatul @zatulasma
3 stars
Jan 7, 2024
Photo of Jasper
4 stars
Apr 23, 2023
Photo of rithika kobla
rithika kobla@rithikakobla
4 stars
Nov 28, 2022
Photo of saige
3 stars
Aug 30, 2022
Photo of Roos Coesmans
Roos Coesmans@rose
4.5 stars
Mar 16, 2022
Photo of Mahdis Riazikhah
Mahdis Riazikhah@mahdis1715
5 stars
Jan 10, 2022
Photo of Victoria
5 stars
Dec 19, 2021
Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
4 stars
Dec 9, 2021
Photo of Zoe Smolen
Zoe Smolen@booksatlunch
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021

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