Look But Don't Touch

Nicholas Ford is a businessman, owner of a BDSM club, and a regular at the club himself. He is a "Daddy" but has decided to renounce that part of himself because of his family’s insistence that he must settle down. So he is currently dating a girl with whom the sex is perfectly common and, if he’s being honest with himself, perfectly unsatisfying. He’s been thinking of ending the relationship for some time, more so because she intends to move in with him and decides she’ll do it after her sister's wedding, where he should never have agreed to accompany her because why is he going to meet the family of a woman he no longer wants to be with? On the eve of the wedding he decides to visit his BDSM club and that's where he see Kayla, a "Little Girl" he’s never seen before, but who immediately catches his attention. When she follows him to his office on the pretext of asking him for a headache pill, he can't prevent his true nature from showing. However he’s still aware of the fact that he has a girlfriend, which is why he only looks but never touches. He instructs Kayla on what to do to achieve satisfaction alone on his couch and just masturbates watching her. This encounter is the last straw and he tries unsuccessfully to break up the relationship before the marriage, but his girlfriend won't let him. But when he arrives there and is introduced to Kayla as his girlfriend's cousin, he can't put off the inevitable anymore… I enjoyed listening to Look But Don't Touch, but the Daddy/Little Girl fetish just isn't for me ... Nothing against it, it just does nothing for me. That's why the hot scenes between Kayla and Nicholas were really neither here nor there for me, and I doubt I'll continue reading this series. It probably didn't help to only have Nicholas's point of view either... COYER Scavenger Hunt: Read 5 books with less than 100 pages (3/5)