Dark Fantasy Stories (Illustrated) The Best Horror Classics

A huge thanks to Hidden Gems for providing me with the opportunity to read this anthology! I haven't read a huge amount of anthologies but am becoming increasingly fond of them. I like having a collection of similar but unique stories all in one place. I was under the impression that these would be quite creepy/scary stories, but they were only slightly 'dark' in my opinion. They all had fantasy elements, as the title would suggest, and were all rather good. Of course, as it's an anthology, I'm not really reviewing the individual authors' writing. Instead, I'm going to focus on the editing and the selection of the stories included. The chouces are definitely quite unique, all fantasy tales with supernatural elements. There were some that I especially enjoyed, and some I was not quite so fond of. Overall, I think there was a pretty good range of stories. As for the editing, I did notice some strange mistakes. There was misplaced punctuation, for example, and I saw a few letters replaced by 'lookalikes' - such as m replaced by rn. As the copy I own is a review copy, it is possible that the mistakes I noticed were edited out in the final publication, though. It was a rather short book, which can be seen as both a good and bad thing. 3.5 stars.