

From the No.1 New York Times bestselling author of THE DARKEST MINDS comes a high-octane story of power, destiny and redemption. A lifetime ago, Lore Perseous left behind the brutal, opulent world of the Agon families - ancient Greek bloodlines that participate in a merciless game every seven years. A game that is about to begin again ... For centuries, Zeus has punished the gods with a game called the Agon, which turns them mortal for one week, and at the mercy of being hunted by those with godly ambitions. Only a handful of the original Greek gods remain, the rest replaced by the mortals who killed them and ascended. After her family's sadistic murder by a rival bloodline, Lore escapes and vows to repay her parents' sacrifice by doing one thing - surviving. For seven years, she has pushed back dark thoughts of revenge against the man responsible for their murder, a man by the name of Wrath who has attained unimaginable power. Except for one week, every seven years. A week that is fast approaching ... When Lore comes home on the first night of the Agon to find Athena gravely wounded on her doorstep, the goddess offers her an alliance; they have a mutual enemy, after all. But as the world trembles under the force of Wrath - a god with the power to destroy all of humanity - will Lore's decision to bind her fate with Athena's come back to haunt her?
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Photo of Paige Paul
Paige Paul@ppaul13
2.5 stars
Sep 12, 2024

Such a good concept but sooo long for no reason. A lot of plot building with not a lot of action. It started to pick up at the end but the ending was very cheesy and left a lot unresolved which isn’t great in a standalone book. As this was an audiobook, I zoned out during majority of the middle.

Photo of Piliii
2 stars
Aug 13, 2024

la verdad al principio me entretuvo pero despues un embole, no se la historia no me copaba tanto y no me encantaba ni reletaba con ninguno de los personajes. Tarde como 1 mes en leer los ultimos 3 capítulos del libro. Tmb me parecio muy comolicado como planteba las cosas no se.

Photo of Gabriela Kondratyuk
Gabriela Kondratyuk@buginasunflower
2 stars
Aug 4, 2024

Maybe I’m not a fan of Greek mythology this much 😵‍💫 it just a bit slow?

Photo of Shaq H
Shaq H@wiccanth
3 stars
Jun 11, 2024

spoiler-y? not many thoughts just that the romance felt a little too forced and out of place + it's execution was so ??? to me. The first kiss.. was so.. RANDOM I think it's an alright book, just not one I would pick up again.

Photo of kitty
kitty @fangrunins
3 stars
May 11, 2024

real rating: 3.5

Photo of aiden
5 stars
Apr 29, 2024

"She was not Theseus in the Labyrinth, or Perseus in the gorgon's lair. She was not Herakles, laboring in his tasks. She was not Bellerophon, who rode across the sky, Meleager on his hunt, or Kadmos fighting the serpent. She was not even Jason, triumphant at the edge of the world with the Golden Fleece in hand." I won't lie to you, I've been an emotional wreck reading this book. I started reading this book on a weekend out just to see what it was about and to get a feeling. And oh boy I got sucked in as if Wrath made me. I've laughed, gasped, and also cried while reading this. I've never been so on the edge of my seat before this book. I've fallen in love with the characters and the world and way of power itself too. My audiovisual study mind could not stop thinking about how beautiful this book would be if it got (correctly) translated into a movie. I'm so glad I started this book, and oh I am gonna miss the feeling of how it was reading this for the first time.

Photo of Sarah
2 stars
Apr 9, 2024

I believed it, I believed it for the first 200 pages that the reviews wouldn't have concerned me that I was going to like Lore. Because the first few pages are really good, the pitch was promising and original. But it's poorly executed, moves too fast and, above all, is so predictable. The ending is sloppy and you know how it's going to end as soon as the context is set. I'd have liked it, but unfortunately the negative reviews are right...

Photo of Julie Rubens
Julie Rubens@julierubens
5 stars
Feb 15, 2024

I loved this book a lot, the plot and the characters had me hooked. To be honest, I bought this book because I love medusa so when I realized it wouldn’t be about her I was a little disappointed, but this book was actually really good. I loved it!

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
3 stars
Feb 14, 2024

3.5! My thoughts are coming, after I have a discussion with my book club :)

Photo of Tatiana
2 stars
Jan 17, 2024

Lore: 2.5/5 I was REALLY hyped for this book, even though I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. The best way to describe this book is The Hunger Games meets Greek Mythology. First off, I wanna say that the synopsis on the dust jacket is atrocious. This book is COMPLEX and I'm going to do my best to give a better overview of what Lore is actually about. Once upon a time, nine Greek Gods rebelled, and to punish them Zeus created something called the Agon. The Agon happens seven years, where the gods take on a mortal, and thus are stripped from immortality, and can be killed by descendants of ancient Greek heroes called Hunters. If a god is killed, their murderer takes the power from that God and keeps it for themselves making them (1) immortal and (2) a god. Lore follows the main protagonist named Lore, who is an outcast from the supposedly wiped out family line of the Perseids and wants nothing more than to be "free" or normal. Lore is pulled back into "the hunt" when she meets Athena and the two form an agreement by binding their fates together, to seek revenge on Lore's deceased family and to end the Agon once and for all. Now. This book had POTENTIAL. Alexandra Bracken KNOWS how to write a good plotline. The action writing was exquisite, and although the entire book was extremely gore-y (much more than any other YA novel I have ever read) I really loved all the action scenes. I felt like because of the plotline this book really had the potential to be great but unfortunately, it kinda seems like all the extra effort that went into this plotline and action writing was taken from the character development and the world-building. These characters were definitely just vessels for the plot, and honestly, I felt nothing for them and did not feel connected at all. Lore's only two personality traits seem to be that she's from New York City and she knows how to fight. Some characters as well literally have no reason to be in the book at all and didn't enhance anything that happened or explain anything. They're literally just THERE for the sake of having another character. As for the world-building, The reader is honestly not queued into anything that's happening. I spent most of this book confused as to why action scenes were happening and how they started. This book is basically a bunch of really well thought out action but no real connection between them. It felt like I was jumping from fight to fight without any kind of transition or cohesion. I found myself questioning the purpose for half the fights that happened. Lastly, I can appreciate the research Alexandra Bracken put into this book. You can tell she put in the work to make this authentic and not a gaudy greek mythology book just for the hype. Where this falls short though, is if you don't know about greek mythology, or know very little, this book won't explain it. I didnt have this problem, but in some parts, I was confused about characters and meanings. I wonder if this book was marketed as adult it would have been better. I know to be YA there is a cap on how many pages there can be. Maybe if it was longer Alexandra Bracken could have fit in the much-needed character development and made the readers really fall in love with Lore and Cas. I swear it would have been so much better. With all the gore anyway, maybe that would have ultimately been a better fit. Overall, I don't regret buying or reading this book but I wish I didnt have such high expectations for it. I was entertained but also was kinda frustrated at points. Definitely read it, but it doesn't need to be at the top of your TBR.

Photo of Amber Rosina
Amber Rosina @rosina-amber
3 stars
Jan 8, 2024

This book had me feeling differently at every chapter. At the beginning I was extremely lost. From the hundreds of characters introduced to the complex world building I was kinda lost in the plot. The fight scenes had me a little lost and a lot of the time were given point A and C and expected to guess the middle. Then at chapter 27 to about part 4 I was really enjoying it. I fell in love with the characters a little bit more and could imagine their world as I was reading. Then it all just kind of fell apart towards the end… 🤷🏻‍♀️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Photo of Nina Verhaaff
Nina Verhaaff @nina2501
1 star
Nov 15, 2023

1.5 I just discovered that Greek mythology is not my thing but it’s fine. It is something you discover along the way of your reading journey

Photo of Joelina Schlabbach
Joelina Schlabbach@joethebibliophile
5 stars
Jul 19, 2023

Hooked me from the first page and was a very convincing fantasy novel with a lot of unexpected plottwists and an adorable found family trope

Photo of Bilge Ince
Bilge Ince@bilge
4 stars
Jun 24, 2023

It's not always the truth that survives, but the stories we wish to believe. The legends lie. They smooth over imperfections to tell a good tale, or to instruct us how we should behave, or to assign glory to victors and shame those who falter. Perhaps there were some in Sparta who embodied those myths. Perhaps. But how we are remembered is less important than what we do now. The story has a strong start. However, It turned out to be a classical Hollywood movie style towards the end. It was for my taste overall. I like the protagonist, aka Melora or Lore, who is as strong as men, makes her own decisions. I like when she does sparring in the ring. Actually, this is where I’m hooked. The whole story is a mashup of Greek mythology and today’s modern world with a pinch of Hunger Games. It was a fast-paced clash of Gods and/or wannabe gods, and I have to admit that It was for my taste.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
4 stars
Jun 3, 2023

When I first heard of this book, I thought it was going to be a Medusa retelling (mainly because of the cover and I do believe it was at first marketed as a retelling), but when I read the synopsis I realised it was something completely different... Still, I was very excited to read this book, because I love anything inspired by (Greek) mythology. Oh boy this book was brutal and I enjoyed every minute of it. I loved the concept of the Agon and every event, every reveal, every cliffhanger kept me on the edge of my seat. But honestly, what sold me most were the characters. I loved Lore and her group of friends and I even loved the way the (new) Gods were portrayed. (view spoiler)[Even if they were mostly awful and murderous throughout the book. (hide spoiler)] I also liked how this was (as far as I know) a standalone book (I mean I have way too many series on my shelves I need to finish), but I would love more stories about this world and the Agon itself. Highly recommend if you enjoy stories featuring Greek gods but want something a bit more brutal than Percy Jackson!

Photo of Celina Irena Kuhn
Celina Irena Kuhn@celinairena
5 stars
May 31, 2023

Wow. Just wow. This book was so good! The best I read this year so far! I loved the word building with modern day New York and ancient greek mythology. Lore is such a well build character and I felt like I got to discover her strength with her together. This was the most non foreseeable book I have ever read! Literally had like 5 Plottwist in it. It keeps me on my toes the whole time and felt like I was part of a chase. If you love greek mythology you have to read this. Also the writing was so good. Start to finish just a masterpiece.

Photo of nienke
5 stars
May 26, 2023

5 / 5 stars Book 3 of 2022 "A feather fallen from a wing is not lost, but free." Okay, I am a sucker for Greek mythology. So a book that is Greek mythology meets the Hunger Games, is a book I had to try out. The moment this book came out, I bought it. Since then it had been sitting on my shelf until I finally got around to start reading it. I loved it! Plot twist after plot twist that I just did not see coming. This was a book I was reading deep into the night and it was needed for me. I just had to finish it as soon as possible. It had grabbed me from start to finish.

Photo of Ella
3 stars
Apr 21, 2023

Every seven years, nine of the Greek gods are forced to walk the earth as mortals, giving humans a chance to become gods themselves.

Photo of Paige Leitner
Paige Leitner@pleitner
5 stars
Mar 7, 2023

This book completely shattered all my expectations. It balanced mythology and a modern rendition of Greek gods and goddesses in such an effective way, that I just could not bring myself put it down. There were moments of surprise, keeping me on the edge of my seat, my fingers physically unable to turn the pages fast enough. The balance between modern day and Greek myth was so refreshing, that it's newness cannot be understated. The relationship between the characters is addictive and the connection I felt while reading to these characters is slightly embarrassing. I already know this is a novel I will be returning to.

Photo of Lauren Nicole
Lauren Nicole@nebula
2 stars
Feb 22, 2023

I can’t exactly place what I didn’t like about this book. The writing was good and I love anything even remotely related to Greek gods/mythos, but I just wasn’t really into it. I couldn’t connect to the characters and I found it to drag on despite the fact that it’s actually quite action packed. I wanted so much to love this book, but unfortunately I just didn’t.

Photo of Beatrix Haase
Beatrix Haase@bjhaase888
4 stars
Feb 15, 2023

I really enjoyed it. A lot of information but not to the point where I was super confused throughout the book. It also helped that I was listening to the audiobook at the same time. I really liked Lore, Cas, Van, and Miles. I love them together, they are such a great team. There was romance but not to the point where I thought it took away from the plot. The romance I think was more in the background. You could tell something was brewing but it wasn't the book's main point. The action and plot twists were crazy. This is more of a brutal book, but I don't think it was gruesome. This was also the first action, fantasy book that I have read in awhile and I forgot how much I love fantasy. Expect to see me reading more fantasy again. Bea

Photo of Gillian Rose
Gillian Rose@glkrose
4 stars
Feb 11, 2023

Oh, this was a very fun, modern take on Greek mythology. So full of action and wonderful characters. I had a blast reading this.

Photo of Kelsey at
Kelsey at@kayrae
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

4.5 ⭐

Photo of Millie Roberts
Millie Roberts@milliemoo
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023

next stage of my Percy Jackson phase


Photo of Ximena Cespedes
Ximena Cespedes@xime_cs

Lore repuso Cástor, sin alzar la voz-. Nací sabiendo cómo hacer tres cosas: respirar, soñar y quererte.

Page 450

Most romantic moment

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Photo of Bia

it is acceptable, even preferable, to be alone," Athena told her. "when those around you would hold you back or deceive you.”

Page 398
Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

As the eighth day began, Lore smiled and kissed him.

Page 466

Best ending ever

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

She met Athena's gaze and nodded. The look the goddess gave Lore was sharp, ever-commanding. "Through the heart"

Page 451

I mean I called that lore would become a god but not like this not with Athena

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

There was a beat of utter stillness, then Van took Miles's face between his hands and leaned down for a searing kiss.

Page 423

Amazingly good

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"There's something else I've been thinking about," he began. "While you've been gazing at Miles? Do I want to hear this?" Lore shut her mouth at his look.

Page 420

The way I just laughed at this omg it’s the best I love her

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Van's gaze was fixed on where Miles slept sprawled out on the couch. As Lore's eyes adjusted to the low light, Van's look of longing developed like an old photograph in the darkness.

Page 418

Called it

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"So it shal be until that day," Lore read, loosely translating them, "when one remains who is remade whole and summons me with smoke of altars to be built by conquest final and fearsome." She glanced up at his pensive face. "What do you think that means?"

Page 401

Well I think only one of the new gods can win

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"Lore." He kept that same soft tone.” I was born knowing how to do three things how to breathe, how to dream, and how to love you."

Page 394

Bro see me dying because this is just way to cute

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

You truly believed it all," Athena said, her voice grating. "You thought I would be so foolish as to bind my life to an impetuous mortal. To you? You have done this for nothing!"

Page 373

She is such a b****

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Lore stared up at her through the strands of her dark hair. "The choice is mine." She turned the blade on herself and slid it into her chest.

Page 368

Well this was not what I expected I mean she can’t just die now

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

The poison of truth moved through her, turning her insides to ash. As if knowing her thoughts, a faint smile touched the goddess's lips. She killed them. Not Wrath. Not the Kadmides. It had always been Athena.

Page 363

Well that’s a plot twist

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

To tell you that Hermes saw you that night, and that he told her. He told her, knowing how badly she wanted it back--how she thought she needed it…

Page 356

Well so Athena is bad now?!

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Tidebringer stared at her, and the slow, dawning horror in her face, plain as anything, set off a shrill noise in Lore's ears. "Oh gods," Tidebringer said. "You think he still needs to find the poem. That he doesn't know how to read it."

Page 354

Oh well so everything was for nothing good to know

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Castor rose slowly from the water, his face expressionless, his eyes burn- ing gold.

Page 328

Oh so he is not that that’s good

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Weapons they had taken from the Kadmides, at Lores insistence. And they had repaid her by doing this. By taking Castor from her.

Page 326

How could they! I hate her

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"Lore …”Castor's expression was pained and frightened. She watched, her hand still outstretched, as blood blossomed on his drenched shirt, pouring from a single gaping wound on the left side of his chest. Through his heart.

Page 313

NO NO NO NONONO THIS CANT BE! My host kid just couldn’t be right about this happening! No why? Why him?

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

And, Lore realized, Athena was the last of the original nine.

Page 312

Well that’s shit

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Van blew out a long breath. "I was always a little jealous of how much attention she got from Castor. It sounds stupid now that we're grown. ..." he curei "Oh," Miles said. "So youre in love with him."

Page 275

Okay but fr I saw that coming. Especially now throughout this conversation. And I also think that miles and van could be a thing. At least I would like that. And even tho maybe the part with van loving castor is not true Van will forever be gay for me now

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

There was something almost heartbreaking in the way he looked at her then."Do that again when you mean it, Golden," he rasped. "When it's not to distract me"

Page 261

But she meant it! She just didn’t how much she really does

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Anger became confusion became instinct became need she gripped his face and pulled him down to bring his lips to hers.

Page 261


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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"All of those years, he wasn't making plans for his own survival. He was protecting you," the Reveler said. "An idiotic move." The Reveler looked at the fountain, the bloodied water. "He picked such a pathetic form, but it worked on you, didn't it? That frail old man. Made you feel sorry for him. Made you want to help him." "I..."Lore said. "No, he.. . no ..." oolly think some stranger would go to such great lengths to pay

Page 247

Bro Gil was Hermes all along! This is so fucked yo?! But like why? Why did he do it? And he fucking gave her the necklace to protect her?! Like bro this is messed up like so messed up! The nevklace was such a small detail I would have nerven seen that coming! It’s just insane

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Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

"My one job for Wrath was to find you," he said without preamble. "He thinks you have the aegis, and he's going to do just about anything to get i back."[…]”why?” Lore managed to say.”The Kadmides have it…” “There’s no point in lying to me”[…]”You humiliated him. His entire bloodline knows the truth, even if they won’t reveal it to the others. Aristos Kadmou, bested by a young girl. But it creates a problem for you doesn’t it?”[…] “I did find you, you know[…] I went looking for him, and he’d found you first.” “Who are you talking about?” Lore breathed. “Who found me?” “Hermes, you know where he was those years he dissapeared, you know because he was with you.”

Page 242

Bro what the fuck just happened!? This changes almost everything! Does it mean the Kadmides don’t have the shield but Hermes does it does it mean lore has ist and just doesn’t tell anyone?! And why was Hermes with her? This does not make sense I’m so terribly confused

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Photo of Kimmy Hobden
Kimmy Hobden@kimmyhobden

“If we're wrong about your immortality and somehow they take you." she whispered, "wait for me at the dark river. I'll bring you home."

“Hades himself would turn me back at the gates knowing you're coming." Castor told her, "and that I'd fight like hell to meet you halfway."

Page 425

i want what they have

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