Lost at Sea

i was genuinely angry at this book for the first 100 pages but it def redeemed itself and turned out really nice in the end :-)

** spoiler alert ** Interessante como as graphic novels do Bryan Lee O'Malley seguem uma curva inversa de maturidade. Por melhores que Scott Pilgrim e Seconds sejam (e são ótimas), elas são fantásticas num sentido literal. O Scott mata inimigos que viram moedas, e a menina do Seconds consegue refazer os dias pra apagar seus erros. A Raleigh, de Lost At Sea (primeiro trabalho do O'Malley), não faz nada disso. Ela mal faz alguma coisa. É só uma menina, uma adolescente, pensando na vida enquanto ela acontece. É um livro fantástico. Não literalmente.

5 stars | This was so beautiful. Bryan Lee O'Malley never disappoints. "Smiling is something other people do."

This was super cute. A quick read but really nice. 4.5 stars!

A fantastic exploration of being 18.

This is a wonderful book... I would recommend to anyone. The story, for me, reminded me of myself, specifically the main character, made me think about if I know who I was. love the Illustrations also.

I thought this was as pointless as Scott Pilgrim.

I read this book when I was 18 and going through something very similar to what the main character is struggling with. When I read this book it helped me not feel so alone, I found myself crying at the smallest things, and I will forever treasure it because of how it helped me through my time of need. I only wish it was a little longer.

A very cute book that I think I would have appreciated better if I'd read it as a teen.

3.5* Lost at Sea was an interesting and unique reading experience. The writing style did take some getting used to and was definitely a little confusing at times but I oddly kind of liked that about it! I began to really enjoy that it was essentially a stream of consciousness and thoughts, as that's not something I think I've read before. It meant that there were parts that were definitely very relatable, whilst also some that made little sense to me. Personally, I would have liked a little more explanation on some elements, especially the backstory and moments that popped up e.g. her sisters appearing in a photo which never got explained? I did feel the ending was a bit abrupt and I would have liked it to have been a little longer, as I really started to enjoy the additional dialogue from the other characters towards the end. My favourite part of this was without a doubt the art style, it was gorgeous and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the black and white. Even if I hadn't have enjoyed the story (which luckily I did) I would be running to pick up more of Bryan Lee O'Malley's work, simply for his gorgeous art style. I flew through this in about half an hour, it was definitely different to other graphic novels, or any novels for that matter, that I've read and I'm looking forward to reading more from O'Malley asap!