
Neoexodus A House Divided Campaign Setting

Exodus boasts a turbulent history - from the rise of the Kaga to the defeat of the First Ones and the events of the Twilight War. From creation of the Imperial Alliance to the present crisis that threatens to tear that alliance apart. Great heroes and terrible villains drove its march, though even in hindsight the two are not always easily separated. Theirs were the titanic passions, the burning obsessions and base treacheries in which modern Exodus was forged and tempered. The world of Exodus Needs heroes... Inside this book you will find you'll need to embark on adventures in the exciting setting of NeoExodus: The history of the world of Exodus from The Reign of the First Ones to The Dominion-Protectorate Wars and The Twilight War to the creation of the Imperial Alliance. The Nation of Exodus including the powerful Caneus Empire, to the magic wielding Dominion, to the mechanical powered Arman Protectorate, the unifying Imperial Alliance and many more. Religious of Exodus including The Cult of the Emissary, Khayne, Lawgiver, Sanguine Covenant and Xonism. 9 All new races usable as player characters or NPCs including the Cavians who are psionic rat-men; the Cyneans who are arcane crystalline humanoids; Dalreans who are plantlike humanoids; and the P'tans who are feline-looking creatures that can conjure black lightning. New Base classes, archetypes and prestige classes including Apothecary, High Guard, Janissary, Peacekeeper and Protectorate Artillerist. Over 80 new Feats including Anatomical Targeteer, Black Lightning Sheath, Craft Magic Candle, Hail of Thorns, Information Network, Plantsight and Terran Sorcery. Over 55 new spells including Babble Sphere, Bind Shape Changer, Cone Of Claws, Feast Of Maggots, Hellish Reprisal, Sensory Depravation and Wall Of Silence. New mundane and magical items including Alchemist's Bandolier, Bal spearclub, Instant Rope, Magic Candles, Panther Hide Armor, Quick-Setting Glue and Telescopic Staff. Over 20 new monsters and Templates including Arcaneslime, Draco, Necryos, Protectorate Golem and Razofiend.
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