It Takes a Lot of Paper to Girft Wrap an Elephant

It Takes a Lot of Paper to Girft Wrap an Elephant Verses for Children and Other Animals

Louis Phillips, a widely published poet, playwright, and short story writer, has written some 40 books for children and adults. Among his works are: three collections of short stories—A DREAM OF COUNTRIES WHERE NO ONE DARE LIVE (SMU Press),THE BUS TO THE MOON (Fort Schuyler Press), and THE WOMAN WHO WROTE KING LEAR AND OTHER STORIES (Pleasure Boat Studio). HOT CORNER, a collection of his baseball writings, and R.I. P. (a sequence of poems about Rip Van Winkle) from Livingston Press; THE ENVOI MESSAGES, and THE LAST OF THE MARX BROTHERS’ WRITERS, full-length plays,(Broadway Play Publishers). His books for children include: THE MAN WHO STOLE THE ATLANTIC OCEAN (Prentice Hall & Camelot Books), THE MILLION DOLLAR POTATO (Simon and Schuster), and HOW TO WRESTLE AN ALLIGATOR (Avon). His sequence of poems –THE TIME, THE HOUR, THE SOLITARINESS OF THE PLACE–was the co-winner in the Swallow’s Tale Press competition (1984). Among his published books of poems are: THE KRAZY KAT RAG (Light Reprint Press), BULKINGTON (Hollow Spring Press), THE TIME, THE HOUR, THE SOLITARINESS OF THE PLACE (Swallow’s Tale Press), CELEBRATIONS & BEWILDERMENTS (Fragments Press), THE KILROY SONATA (World Audience books). His most recent FULL-LENGTH PLAYS ARE THE COLLABORATORS (World Audience Books), and LATE NIGHT IN THE RAIN FOREST (World Audience Books). He teaches at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.
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