A Word for My Sisters

A Word for My Sisters Empowered for Change

A Word for My Sisters, Empowered for Change is my personal journey to a positive self-image, a search for acceptance within a society that gives false images of reality which can keep the best of us down. My life was filled with self-hatred and devastation for many years. I was on a road to total freedom and I am compelled to share my experiences with other women who just might be going through the same things. I have written this book to encourage my Sisters to celebrate who they are, where they are and where they are about to go. Life is a journey filled with mountain highs and valley lows. It is a wonderful thing to experience the mountaimtop, but the valley is where we grow. My prayer is that the Holy spirit will reveal to you truths concerning you and take you to the place predestined for you. My Sisters, God says that you are "Blessed and highly favored". It is left up to you to walk in those blessings. Peace and love to you all. Louise
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