The Syrian Goddess

The Syrian Goddess De Dea Syria

To the student of oriental religions the Dea Syria is brimful of interest. It describes the cult and worship of the goddess of Northern Syria, Atargatis, at her sacred city, Hierapolis, now Mumbij. The time when Lucian wrote would be the middle of the second century B.C. We do not see any reason to reject the traditional authorship of the treatise: on the contrary, the work seems to reveal the famous satirist at home, taking a natural interest in local memories and institutions, while making, doubtless, mental notes that were to prove of use in the works for which he is best known. INTRODUCTORYThe Sacred CityOrigins of Temples and ShrinesTHE OLDEST SHRINES AND CULTS OF SYRIA.Hercules of TyreThe Phœnician Astarte at Sidon. Legend of EuropaAphrodite of Byblos and the Legend of AdonisLegend of Osiris at ByblosThe Adonis River; its red colourCult of Aphrodite in the Lebanon at AphacaHierapolis: The greatest Sanctuary. Its Pilgrims LEGENDS OF FOUNDATION.Ascribed by some to Deukalion. Story of the DelugeStory of the ChasmAssigned by others to Semiramis. Derceto, the Fish-GoddessBy others again to the Lydian AttisLucian shares the View that it was founded by DionysusRe-built by StratoniceStory of Stratonice and Combabus DESCRIPTION OF THE TEMPLE AND SHRINES.The Inner Sanctuary. The EffigiesComprehensive Character of the GoddessObject between the God and GoddessThe Sun GodA Bearded ApolloImage of the God borne by the Priests in DivinationAtlas and other ImagesSacred AnimalsThe Priests and Temple Attendants RITES AND CEREMONIES.The SacrificesSacred Lake and FishesCeremony at the LakeCeremony at the Euphrates ("The Sea")Festival of the Pyre CUSTOMS AND INSTITUTIONS.The GalliTheir Initiation CeremoniesTheir BurialAnimals used in Sacrifice. Sanctity of the DoveTonsure and other Customs of PilgrimsMethod of Sacrifice. The LibationHuman SacrificeTattooSacrifice of Hair
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