Lucy Maud Montgomery, Clare West
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables Anne of Green Gables

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Photo of yna
5 stars
Dec 30, 2024

re-reading anne just to feel something again. this is the kind of story that makes you want to revisit it every few years. anne’s fiery spirit, endless imagination, and her ability to find beauty in the smallest things remind you of the joy and chaos of childhood. reading it now, it’s easy to miss that sense of wonder we once had. every page feels like flipping through an old photo album you can never quite put down.

Photo of Maureen
5 stars
Jul 27, 2024

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive - it's such an interesting world." *** What a journey! I first encountered this book when I was around eight, and I remember loving the abridged version so much. Fast forward to the present, I finally finished the og! Oh Anne, if only I were half as enthusiastic as you. It was such a pleasant ride to witness Anne's growth—from the wide-eyed, scrawny 11-year old to the genteel yet still steadfast 16-year-old lady she had become. There are plenty of things to love about this book aside from the bubbly heroine: Matthew and Marilla's relationship with Anne, the kindred spirits, and of course, the og academic rivals to lovers trope, Anne x Gilbert! The way Montgomery writes feels magical, too. I chose to pick up this book as a distraction from all my uni readings. Despite feeling so tired, I always felt refreshed upon reading this as Anne's zest for life was so contagious. On to the next book!

Photo of 𝚕𝚒𝚕𝚢
5 stars
Jul 16, 2024

5 ★ - (adored, absolute favorite) It's been five years and as of yet I can't stop thinking about this book. Probably my most favorite piece of literature ever written. Anne Shirley is the loveliest, need I say more? 12/21/23 Oh what a dear dear book! I was rather nervous about rereading it but having loved the 80s movie so very much every time I've rewatched it (more than several times I'm sure) I took it up with confidence that Maud would not fail to weave the same magic for an older Lily. Twelve year old me simply loved this and she'd be proud to know that I thought it absolutely delightful! I did need some encouraging to start it, mainly because I'd just been reading some newer books with simpler writing ya know, but encouragement came through my writing course which instructed us to study a quiet story and as soon as I was invested it felt like being home with an old friend. Anne of Green Gables, charming, captivating... and still one of my most favorite books ever written, if not *the* favorite! I teared up towards the beginning, poor dear love-starved Anne! And again towards the end, sweetest Matthew and Marilla. I don't recall crying the first time, and I may have just forgotten, but it was so touching I couldn't help myself now. I had planned to read the rest of the series this summer but wasn't sure if I'd do so after all due to the book hangover I experienced upon finishing this. I truly didn't know what to do with myself! And though I want to pick up another book I couldn't... but after a good nights sleep I think the only thing to cure the hangover is to finish the series XD Full of gorgeous landscapes, lovely people, and the sweetest protagonist. This book is a treat. I think Maud and I would be kindred spirits and I think fondly of her and her writing :) 6/27/24 CWs, or things that caught my attention: Mentions/descriptions of deceased parents, Anne is described as "a witch of a girl" & having "cast a spell" on someone & the witcheries of nature or something like that (I take it L. M. means enchanting), accidentally drunk character, illness, injury, dares, ghosts, death, near drowning, grief, rivalry, a certain girl who is quite unbearable, selfishness, vanity, scrapes, character thinking they must have been "born under an unlucky star", bank failure.

Photo of Bethany
5 stars
Jun 8, 2024

I read this series multiple times as a teen, but for some reason the first book in my personal collection was the children's abridged version; so, this is my first time reading this book! I love Anne so much, I love this writing, I love this world (even if I see a lot of problematic points in the 100+ year old culture that I didn't notice as a youngster). L.M. Montgomery is such a joy to read and exactly my cup of tea.

Photo of lauren
5 stars
May 16, 2024

Wonderful storytelling, comforting with characters you want to root for. A real pleasure to read!

Photo of Sidney R
Sidney R@sidney
3.5 stars
May 14, 2024

Classic for a reason! The plot was a lot slower than I remember but it was beautifully descriptive and still engaging.

Photo of Christine
5 stars
Apr 2, 2024

all i'm gonna say is that i'm absolutely obsessed with this series (and Budge Wilson's prequel and Montgomery's own sequel) I don't really want to rant right now xD

Photo of joyce
5 stars
Jan 23, 2024

- just the most endearing, charming, hilarious, comforting book ever - love to reread ^_^ - i wont lie i do skip the flower and shrubbery descriptions a lot of the time. l m montgomery i just know you were padding your wordcount i see right through you

Photo of Ceej Manaloto
Ceej Manaloto@sage_a_saga
5 stars
Jan 16, 2024

10 stars, really.

Photo of milly
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

tears of happiness

Photo of Laura Mauler
Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees
4 stars
Dec 25, 2023

Great book. Not sure why Marilla had to be so stone-cold all the time. Love most of the nature descriptions, they made me want to live in the countryside.

Photo of sophie yang
sophie yang @sphieyng3

so cute!! only problem was i could only imagine the characters/setting from the show… i wish i read the book before watching it😞

Photo of marta caravaggio
marta caravaggio@martacaravaggio
5 stars
Oct 18, 2023

Leí estos libros hace más de diez años. Releerlo ahora ha sido como volverlo a leer de nuevo; la experiencia es genial.

Photo of Chloe Garcia
Chloe Garcia@chloegarcia020
5 stars
Oct 3, 2023

gilbert blythe. that’s all. jk that’s not all i’d also like to say that i wish Anne were a real person just so she could see how much comfort she has brought to all the weird girls of this world who have always felt a little out of place. this story and any other adaptation of it is just a warm hug.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

Anne of Green Gables is a classic Canadian tale by L.M. Montgomery. Way back in the day I read some of this book. My school didn't always get us to finish the books we started for reports, so I never actually finished this one! I always felt really icky about this book because Marilla and the other adults (minus Matthew) frustrated me. They were all so mean in the chapters we read. I never really got the read the growth or understand what was going on. We watched some of the movies and television episodes, but that was it. Flash forward: University. I get to read this book for a Can Lit class and WOW OH WOW it's so beautiful. This bildungsroman follows Anne Shirley when she gets adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. It's kind of awkward since they wanted a boy and got "stuck" with a little, red-headed, spunky girl. She walks into this world as a talkative, imaginative young who girl changes the lives of everyone in Avonlea, P.E.I.. This little girl has a temper, her own opinions on everything and sees the beauty in nature. She's such a wonderful child who is going to grow and learn. The metaphors, personification, amplification and all the literary devices in this book is incredibly. L.M. Montgomery was a master at her class. The beauty of this piece of literature matched with the fact middle graders all the way to adults will love this book. Add in that Anne and Marilla can be so much more than just characters: both of them are mother figures to each other, Anne is a relatable child, Marilla's feelings are relatable as an adult. It's got so much packed in this little book, it's kind of hard to believe I didn't read it sooner. The ending is almost bittersweet. She becomes an adult and appears to have lost her spark (but I guess I won't know for sure until I read on...). If you haven't read this book and enjoy fiction with lots of beauty, grab this one. It's an incredible Canadian classic and I'm super impressed by it. Five out of five stars.

Photo of loisesya
5 stars
Jul 28, 2023

Beautiful, nostalgic and a bit tragic at the end🥲. Contains the sweetness and simplicity of childhood. Perfect to read in the summer! Anne has a very special character which I loved to get to know. I’m very curious about her development in the next book(s).

Photo of Aadya J
Aadya J @aadyajoshi
4 stars
Jul 13, 2023

My comfort read series. Every book so so perfect.

Photo of Emma Lechner
Emma Lechner@emmyofthevalley
5 stars
Jul 4, 2023

Ranks up at the top with best cozy, heartwarming, summery books, right alongside The Secret Garden as far as children's classics go. So happy I finally got around to reading this as an adult

Photo of Mariam Raji
Mariam Raji@elefantenlove
5 stars
Jun 28, 2023

Voll die schöne Geschichte einfach, liebe das Buch.

Ist sehr inspirierend die Persönlichkeit von Anne und ihre Lebenseinstellung, das Buch selbst gibt einem so sehr viel Positivität.

Mein Lieblings Buch, schnell nächstes Band kaufen xd

Photo of Bi
5 stars
Jun 28, 2023

So beautiful! How I wish someone had recommended this book to me when I was young!

Photo of Bilge Ince
Bilge Ince@bilge
5 stars
Jun 24, 2023

Bu karantina günlerinde okumak için çok uygun bir kitap Yeşilin kızı Anne. Hemen herkesin çocukluğundan bir çok parça bulacağı, sizi o günlerin sıcaklığıyla sarıp sarmalayan bir kitap olmasının yanı sıra aslında umutsuzluktan umut, mutsuzluktan mutluluk çıkartmanın mümkün olduğunu da öğretiyor Fakar saf bir Pollyanna kitabından fazlası olduğunu da hayattaki şanssızlık ve üzüntülerini de mutlulukları kadar samimi bir şekilde sahiplenmesinden anlayabilir ve hatta küçük bir rehber olarak bile kabul edebilirsiniz Anne’i. Evet ama keklerin kötü bir alışkanlığı vardır, sen özellikle güzel olmalarını istediğinde bilerek olmazlar

Photo of Julia
3 stars
May 9, 2023


Photo of jana
jana @osnapitzjana
4 stars
Apr 24, 2023

i don't know why this took me so long to finish... i've been in a bit of a slump

Photo of Moriah Howard
Moriah Howard@mkhoward
5 stars
Apr 20, 2023

Everyone boy and girl alike should read this classic.



Photo of K

I’ve done my best and I begin to understand what is meant by the ‘joy of the strife.’ Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.

Photo of K

I shall give life here my best, and I believe it will give its best to me in return.

Photo of Alyssa Weaver
Alyssa Weaver@alyssa_weaver

Well, we're not getting a girl," said Marilla

Page 9

def not

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

»Liebe Welt«, murmelte Anne. » Du bist wunderschön und ich freue mich in dir zu leben.«

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

Sie ging spazieren, ruderte, suchte Beeren und träumte nach Herzenslust

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

Anne wusste nicht, wie sehr Marilla sie liebte. Manchmal dachte sie traurig, dass es sehr schwer war, Marilla zufriedenzustellen, und dass es der alten Frau an Mitgefühl und Verständnis fehlte.

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

»Marilla, ist es nicht tröstlich, dass morgen wieder ein neuer Tag anfängt - ganz frisch und frei von Fehlern?«

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

Und Alice Andrews bringt nächste Woche ein neues Buch mit, das wir unten am Bach Kapitel für Kapitel laut lesen wollen.

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

Dahinter floss ein kleiner Bach, in den die Kinder morgens ihre Milchflaschen stellten, damit sie bis zur Mittagspause kühl blieben.

Photo of Shari Ilg
Shari Ilg@shari

Wenn die Sonne scheint, ist es viel einfacher, fröhlich zu sein und den Aufgaben des Lebens standzuhalten.

Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

Nothing ever tasted so delicious as those strawberries and cream, eaten under a great blue sky all curdled over with fluffy little white clouds, and in the long shadows of the wood with its lispings and its murmurings.

Page 502
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

Willowmere, where dark and light kissed each other under the firs

Page 312
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

' [ . . . ] Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them - that's the best of it. just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting.'

Page 259
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

' [ . . . ] In the morning I always think the mornings are best; but when evening comes I think it's lovelier still.'

Page 213
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

It was a September evening and all the gaps and clearings in the woods were brimmed up with ruby sunset light. Here and there the lane was splashed with it, but for the most part it was already quite shadowy beneath the maples, and the spaces under the firs were filled with a clear violet dusk like airy wine. The winds were out in their tops, and there is no sweeter music on earth than that which the wind makes in the fir trees at evening.

Page 212
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

'[ . . . ] I really think the woods are just as lovely in winter as in summer. They're so white and still, as if they were asleep and dreaming pretty dreams.'

Page 193
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

Excitement hung around Anne like a garment, shone in her eyes, kindled in every feature. She had come dancing up the lane like a wind-blown sprite, through the mellow sunshine and lazy shadows of the August evening.

Page 167
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

'Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?'

Page 167
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

'What a splendid day!' said Anne, drawing a long breath. 'Isn't good just to be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who aren't born yet for missing it. They may have good days, of course, but they can never have this one. [ . . . ]'

Page 102
Photo of Julia Rutgers
Julia Rutgers@juul

During Marilla's speech a sunrise had been dawning on Anne's face. First the look of despair faded out; then came a faint flush of hope; her eyes grew deep and bright as morning stars.

Page 52
Photo of Mariam Raji
Mariam Raji@elefantenlove

„Liebe Welt", murmelte Anne. „Du bist wunderschön und ich freue mich, in dir zu leben.“

Photo of Mariam Raji
Mariam Raji@elefantenlove

Doch wenn der Weg, der nun vor ihr lag, auch schmal war - sie wußte, daß Blumen an seinem Rand blühten.

Photo of Mariam Raji
Mariam Raji@elefantenlove

Manchmal ist es bloß so schwer etwas zu glauben, selbst wenn man es ganz genau weiß.

Photo of jana
jana @osnapitzjana

Gilbert Blythe was trying to make Anne Shirley look at him and failing utterly, because Anne was at that moment totally oblivious not only of the very existence of Gilbert Blythe, but of every other scholar in Avonlea school itself. With her chin propped on her hands and her eyes fixed on the blue glimpse of the Lake of Shining Waters that the west window afforded, she was far away in a gorgeous dreamland, hearing and seeing nothing save her own wonderful visions.

Page 108

she's so me fr