Voices Beyond the Border

Voices Beyond the Border

Lucy Robinson2006
In the UK today, approximately 1.6 million people awoke to the same problem (that's if they'd managed to sleep) - how to survive another day alongside the torrid and turbulent emotions associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Although you'd struggle to find a room big enough to house them all at once, it's not a 'popular' mental health problem and has received little publicity. The fact that you've heard of it at all probably you have it or somebody close at hand does. In the immense isolating pain and confusion that BPD can bring with it, this book is here to remind you that you are not alone - there are at least 1,599,999 others who feel their own personal version of your suffering. This unique anthology brings you some of their voices. The included poetry and prose features not only pieces by people with BPD, but also the viewpoint of carers and treatment providers. This book won't teach you the facts and figures about BPD or the latest theories as to what causes or treats it, but it will provide the aspect of BPD that is almost always missed - how it feels.
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