The Shining Isle

The Shining Isle An Urban Fantasy

Ly De Angeles2006
Among us walk a race older than time-called the Travelers, Tuatha dŽ Dannan, the Sidhe, the Fair Folk, and the F‡’dh, they are the magical beings who remember when forests covered much of the earth and people revered the older gods and goddesses. The Shining Isle is the story of Holly Tremenhere and the small island of Inishr’m. Holly was awakened to the mysteries at a young age, but could not cope with their seemingly alien reality and turned away from them. Now, disillusioned with the senselessness of day-to-day existence, she is ripe for change. Meanwhile, Inishr’m has been targeted for takeover by those who do not understand its significance. The isle and its inhabitants harbor an ancient secret-one they will fight to the death to keep safe.
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