Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage An Agatha Raisin Mystery

Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage by M.C. Beaton I love the Agatha Raisin series and this one is no exception. They're great easy reads with brilliant characters, especially the titular Agatha Raisin. The plots are excellent and I never normally work out who the culprit is.

Auch den fünften Band dieser Serie fand ich wieder sehr unterhaltsam. Es ist zwar eigentlich etwas skurril, dass in diesem kleinen Ort auf dem Land immer wieder Morde geschehen, aber das tut dem Spaß keinen Abbruch. Jede Geschichte birgt neue Geheimnisse, liebgewonnene Charaktere bleiben sich treu und neue Figuren mischen die Szene auf. Buch Nr. 6 steht schon auf meiner Leseliste.

Another fun book in the Agatha Raisin series. Funny, humorous cozy mystery. As Agatha is standing at the alter to marry Mr. Lacey, her husband alive and well walks in and stops the wedding. After the initial humiliation, her husband is found dead and Agatha and Mr. Lacey have to solve the mystery to clear their name as the main suspects.

Yet another fun Agatha Raisin adventure! I love the way the characters evolve with the series. An entertaining read:)

I'm addicted! They're silly but I can't stop. And now I think in a British accent.