Occurrence Survey of Boron and Hexavalent Chromium

Occurrence Survey of Boron and Hexavalent Chromium

Only limited information existed about the occurrence of boron and chromium in drinking water sources prior to this project. In addition, chromium speciation in drinking water sources was not well understood. In fact, due to analytical method deficiencies, previous field sampling experiences had resulted in total chromium concentrations less than corresponding hexavalent chromium concentrations. This project specifically addressed the following questions: . What are the analytical method challenges and sensitivities for reliable low-level detection of chromium species and boron in drinking water supplies? . What are the national occurrence patterns for chromium species and boron in drinking water sources? . What is the fate of these compounds through drinking water facilities and distribution systems? The project approach included . an investigation of analytical challenges for both chromium and boron analysis, . a review of existing occurrence data sources, . a design and an implementation of the national occurrence survey, . an analysis of the national occurrence results, and . an investigation of the fate of chromium and boron through drinking water facilities and distribution systems.
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