All I Want for Christmas

I love the story idea and I was really enjoying it until they got back from Banff and then it just took way too long and too many random obstacles for them to finally admit they were in love. How many times can Max bail on everything?? It got boring.

very cute holiday fun

3.5 stars I love a Christmas romcom but this one has a little too much drama.


i wanted to like it because of the theme and plot but it fell short with the reoccurring drama.
communication is key and this couple need to learn it.
2.5 because i enjoyed the vibes and i haven’t read one like it yet

I really wanted to like this book and the first half was okay but there was just too much unnecessary drama for the couple and Max was unlikeable. Not a dnf because I did wanna know the ending but not as good as I had hoped

"You can love someone who isn't perfect, and be deeply loved despite your own imperfections.
You and Sadie may not always go together like peas and carrots, but that doesn't mean y'all don't have something worth fighting for."
I wanted to like this so much because it had everything I could want in a holiday romance but this just didn’t click for me.
I was prepared for the miscommunication trope, but this felt like an unhealthy cycle of minimal to no communication between our two MC’s. It would get better and than worse at such regular intervals that it felt like there wasn’t enough story to allow readers to route for Sadie and Max at all.
There also were a few too many unnecessary subplot moments that didn’t add to the story…
That and some other factors I won’t get into because I don’t want to spoil anything ultimately made this a 2/5 ⭐️ read for me.