The Raven Boys: The Graphic Novel

thank you to viking books for young readers and penguin teen for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
genuinely, i need to start by saying how honored i am to have been able to receive a physical arc of one of my most anticipated reads of the year. this book, this series was one of my first introductions back into the reading world when i was in high school. i read the series in such a fugue state, i honestly forget (nearly 8??? years later) what events happened in which books. so knowing that i planned to read this ASAP, i reread the first book in the series.
and i can say that this graphic novel adaptation is so faithful to the original story. condensing a 400 page book into just under 240 pages for a graphic novel is such a challenge and this team truly executed it perfectly. not only were they able to pull all the meat of the story into the graphic novel, but they were able to include some of the "little" scenes, the spots where these characters's personalities truly shined. seeing the gangsey on page, seeing them visually interact, it made my heart so happy. i think they did an incredible job condensing this story into this graphic novel while still having the heart of what the raven cycle is.
i think all the fans of the story will truly love this story. and honestly, if the 4 book series was a hinderance for you, i think this a great way to introduce yourself to this story of henrietta. i cannot wait for the adaptations of the rest of this series now, and i have officially re-ignited my absolute love for this series!