Management Training

Management Training The evaluation of the transfer of learning to the workplace

Eva Gross2001
Inhaltsangabe: Inhaltsverzeichnis:Table of Contents: SUMMARY2 0.FOREWORD5 0.1BACKGROUND TO PROJECT6 0.2INTRODUCTION7 1.MANAGEMENT SKILLS, THEIR TRAINING METHODS AND THEIR TRANSFER TO THE WORKPLACE9 1.1CURRENT LITERATURE9 1.2THE TEACHING OF MANAGEMENT SKILLS13 1.2.1Content of Training: The Management Skills15 1.2.2Historical Background of Management Skills21 of the development of leadership theories; precursors to management skills21 steps and traditions of leadership styles22 view of human nature and ist influence on training25 1.3THE LEARNING OF MANAGEMENT SKILLS: CURRENT TRAINING METHODS28 1.3.1Learning in the Context of Behaviour Theory28 1.3.2Learning in the Context of Model Learning31 1.3.3Learning in the Context of Cognitive Learning34 groups and their further development34 solving and decision making36 1.3.4Concepts and principles of learning in groups today38 group dynamic concepts as a group method for learning today40 of typical applied group method in training today42 1.3.5Methods applied on Management Training to enhance the transfer Learning to the workplace44 1.4CONNECTION BETWEEN THE THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND THE COURSES INVESTIGATED49 1.4.1Course Topics49 1.4.2Course Methods50 1.4.3Strategies to Improve Transfer51 1.5HYPOTHESIS55 2.EMPIRICAL PART58 2.1DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAINING SECTION AND THE TRAINING PROVIDED58 2.1.1Joint Training Service: Providers of the Investigated Management Series58 2.1.2Nomination Procedure59 2.1.3The Investigated JTS Management Series and its Objectives59 2.1.4Content of the Management Course Series60 2.2SELECTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE INTERVIEWEES64 2.3EVALUATION METHODS AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION66 2.3.1The Qualitative Content Analysis66 2.3.2Applied Method of Raising Qualitative Data66 2.3.3The Interview Design and its Criteria68 2.3.4Introduction to the Interviewees70 2.3.5Interviewing Guidelines71 2.4APPLIED METHOD TO EVALUATE DATA RECEIVED74 2.4.1Analysis and Evaluation Techniques74 2.4.2Units of Analysis and their Categories74 2.4.3Allocation to Categories, and the Levels of Categories76 3.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TO THE HYPOTHESIS80 3.1TERMINOLOGY80 3.2RESULTS TO HYPOTHESIS 184 3.3RESULTS TO HYPOTHESIS 293 3.4RESULTS TO HYPOTHESIS 397 3.5RESULTS TO HYPOTHESIS 4107 3.6RESULTS TO HYPOTHESIS 5109 3.6.1The development of special management [...]
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