Matrix Methods for Advanced Structural Analysis

Matrix Methods for Advanced Structural Analysis

Matrix Methods for Advanced Structural Analysis covers in detail the theoretical concepts related to rockbursts, and introduces the current computational modeling techniques and laboratory tests available. The second part is devoted to case studies in mining (coal and metal) and tunneling environments worldwide. The third part covers the most recent advances in measurement and monitoring. Special focus is given to the interpretation of signals and reliability of systems. The following part addresses warning and risk mitigation through the proposition of a single risk assessment index and a comprehensive warning index to portray the stress status of the rock and a successful case study. The final part of the book discusses mitigation including best practices for distressing and efficiently supporting rock. Provides a brief historical overview of methods of static analysis, programming principles and suggestions for the rational use of computer programs Provides MATLAB® oriented software for the analysis of beam-like structures Covers the principal steps of the Direct Stiffness Method presented for plane trusses, plane framed structures, space trusses and space framed structures
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