Visible Learners

Visible Learners Promoting Reggio-Inspired Approaches in All Schools

A progressive, research-based approach for making learningvisible Based on the Reggio Emilia approach to learning, VisibleLearners highlights learning through interpreting objects andartifacts, group learning, and documentation to make students'learning evident to teachers. Visible classrooms are committed tofive key principles: that learning is purposeful, social,emotional, empowering, and representational. The book includesvisual essays, key practices, classroom and examples. Show how to make learning happen in relation to others, sparkemotional connections, give students power over their learning, andexpress ideas in multiple ways Illustrate Reggio-inspired principles and approaches viaquotes, photos, student and teacher reflections, and examples ofstudent work Offer a new way to enhance learning using progressive,research-based practices for increasing collaboration and criticalthinking in and outside the classroom Visible Learners asks that teachers look beyondsurface-level to understand who students are, what they come toknow, and how they come to know it.
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