

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Cinderella returns in an all-new epic! After an assassination attempt on Snow White, Cind is called back into service to unravel an age-old conspiracy that dates back to that fateful midnight ball! Can Cind uncover the plot and prevent a massacre in Fabletown? By critically acclaimed writer Marc Andreyko (MANHUNTER, Torso, The Lost) and legendary artist Shawn McManus (CINDERELLA, SWAMP THING), FAIREST VOL. 4: CINDERELLA - OF MEN AND MICE ties directly into FABLES! New York Times bestselling, award-winning creator Bill Willingham presents a new series starring the female FABLES. Balancing horror, humor and adventure in the FABLES tradition, FAIREST explores the secret histories of Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, The Snow Queen, Thumbelina, Snow White, Rose Red and others. Collects issues #21-27.
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Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Given what a mixed bag the Fables series has been, volume 4 was fairly solid. Not a fantastic book, but a fun frolic with Cinderella that ties back to the Fables series. Recommended for fans of the series, but if you aren't caught up on the over 20 volume Fables series, this book is not going to make a lot of sense.

Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Fairest is supposed to be a Fables spin-off about the women of the series. Unfortunately, this is the second volume (in a four book series so far) that is really about one of the male characters. In this volume, readers are taken to the Indu fables region, and introduced to Nalayani, a strong woman sent by her village to ask for help from the Maharaja. When she gets there, it turns out that the new Maharaja is none other than Price Charming, a popular Fables character thought to have died during the battle with the Adversary. As to be expected, Price Charming tries to woo Nalayani, but she is immune to his magical charms. Instead, he falls in love with her, breaking a magical curse that was going to kill him. The rest of the plot revolves around Nalayani trying to save her village, and some internal politics involving the Indu fables, but really the bulk of what is important in this book is that Price Charming is back, and he's in love FOR REAL this time. Unfortunately, I could not care less. Prince Charming is missing some of the, well, charm he had in the main Fables series, and he is too much of an arrogant prick with none of the good character traits that he developed overtime. His sudden discovery that he is in love with Nalayani seems as fickle and short-lasting as the love he's had for the other women in his life, but the narrative suggests that this time things are different. He also looks like Riker from Star Trek, and this unfortunate detail keeps making me forget who I am supposed to be reading about (why can no one illustrate Fables characters like their main artist?). Overall, this was a decent enough read, and probably an important one for fans of the main series to read, but it isn't very memorable, the characterisation feels a bit off, and I really want to read some stories about the women of Fables that aren't actually all about the men.

Photo of Charles Siboto
Charles Siboto@charles_s
4 stars
Aug 5, 2022

This is a pretty kickass story set in Japan and steeped in its fable lore. Inaki Miranda's art is beautiful and lends much to the story.

Photo of Megan Paterson
Megan Paterson@beirabooks
3 stars
Aug 23, 2022
Photo of Megan Paterson
Megan Paterson@beirabooks
3 stars
Aug 23, 2022
Photo of Megan Paterson
Megan Paterson@beirabooks
3 stars
Aug 23, 2022
Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Catherine Renee Dimalla
Catherine Renee Dimalla@crdimalla
2 stars
Sep 15, 2021
Photo of Catherine Renee Dimalla
Catherine Renee Dimalla@crdimalla
4 stars
Sep 15, 2021