The Seven Sisters
Divorced and estranged from her grown daughters, Candida Wilton moves to a run-down flat well below her means and finds exhilaration in her self-imposed poverty, during which she confides her thoughts to a computer and makes friends with new peers. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.

Melody Izard@mizard
It's one of those books that make a nice little shiver run up your back and a tiny little squeeze of tears come out of your eyes when you finish. Don't know what the formula is to produce such an effect. I think it's at least one multi-faceted character, a little plot (doesn't have to be much - but I do require some plot) and some non-predictability. Yep. I think that might sum it up. And as for my reviews - I don't feel the need to report one bit of information about what the book's about. Just want to record my reaction.

Fran Lewis@franlewis
