Breaking Open the Lectionary

Breaking Open the Lectionary Lectionary Readings in Their Biblical Context for RCIA, Faith Sharing Groups, and Lectors, Cycle C

It is not enough to understand the Lectionary readings in their liturgical context. Knowledge of the biblical context of the Lectionary readings is vitally important, especially for facilitators of RCIA and other faith-sharing groups and for those who proclaim the Word. Breaking Open the Lectionary provides this essential background information by placing the readings for each Sunday of the liturgical year in their biblical contexts, as distinct from their contexts in the Lectionary, and explaining how knowledge of these contexts affects our ability to understand what the inspired authors intended to teach. While the book is for Cycle C, the readings for the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent in Cycle A are also included for RCIA groups. Three sets of discussion questions - for Breaking Open the Word groups, other faith-sharing groups, and Bible study groups - round off each Sunday.
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