Sea glass

I had some major troubles with this book: 1) I was missing a red thread. 2) I couldn't find my way into the characters, either. 3) The title connection. The small sub-plot of the sea glass seemed random and didn't really contribute to the story. So was it only there to give the book a title to fit the series? It may be of consequence in the third book, but if so then I don't think this was introduced right. And if not, I find it superfluous to the story. The whole interlude at the Stormdancers' seemed not really important to the plot and out of place. Was it just there to let Opal spend some time with Kade? My main problem was number two. Especially Opal was difficult this book. I understand she had some troubles and fought with herself, but still. A character should remain understandable and with Opal I couldn't even sympathize in this book. I'll probably give the third book a try, although I have a feeling that I will be disappointed. The only good thing about the book was the ending. I quite liked it and would have been quite satisfied with it, no need for a third book. Well, we'll see.

Opal has come a long way in this book and I felt she was more likeable as she became a stronger person. Just love Maria V Snyders work it's always amazing

Mi aspettavo qualcosa di più? Sì. Ne sono rimasta delusa? No. E' uno di quei casi in cui ti aspetti qualcosina in più, ma non sei comunque delusa dal risultato. Do you know what I mean? XD L'unica cosa che proprio non sono riuscita a digerire è stata Opal. Diciamo che diventa una testona, forse peggio di una testona in effetti 🤔. Va bene okay, diventa una testa di cavolo! Capisco le sue motivazioni, ma mettere tutti in pericolo solo per provare di avere ragione è un atteggiamento da bambina che non mi aspetto da una persona adulta, o per meglio dire che vuole essere considerata come un'adulta. Per il resto non ho niente da dire: carino, ha i suoi alti e bassi ma comunque si legge con piacere. Non riesco però a capire dove la Snyder andrà a parare con l'ultimo libro 🧐