

“Trust me, I’ve wanted to punch you in the face a time or five.” When the man you worshipped as a kid becomes your coach, it’s supposed to be the greatest thing in the world. Keywords: supposed to. It didn't take a week for 27-year-old Sal Casillas to wonder what she'd seen in the international soccer icon - why she'd ever had his posters on her wall or ever envisioned marrying him and having super-playing soccer babies. Sal had long ago gotten over the worst non-break-up in the history of imaginary relationships with a man who hadn't known she'd existed. So she isn't prepared for this version of Reiner Kulti who shows up to her team's season: a quiet, reclusive shadow of the explosive, passionate man he'd once been.
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Photo of big ab
big ab@snapitsabbey
4 stars
Jul 26, 2024

listen, i love this author. i eat up every single one of her books. but please dear god, do not start with this book. it’s one of her cringiest books tbh, but if you like a self discovery thru sports and a true slow burn then you will like her books.

Photo of em
5 stars
Jul 18, 2024


Photo of aly
3 stars
May 30, 2024

3.25 ⭐s

Photo of Minahil Fatima
Minahil Fatima @mina_f
4 stars
May 27, 2024

reiner kulti, the man that you are. i SWEAR.

Photo of kit
3 stars
May 26, 2024

3.5 rounded down to 3 stars It took me a while to get into, especially with how rude Kulti was, but he eventually won me over with the way he would do anything for her and made up for being such a jerk early on. The writing made me cringe at times, (did she need to say "bah" so much..) but I really enjoyed Sal as a character. She handled things so well and was so emotionally mature and didn't fall into annoying tropes of being whiny and stupid like many fmcs I've read which was refreshing. Normally I don't think romance books need to be over 400 pages, but the slow burn in this one was very sweet and felt very realistic. I loved seeing how they went from disliking each other to being best friends who truly understood each other. I think overall if the writing was a bit better and less... juvenile? and some minor changes were made, this would've been a 4.5 star read for me instead of a 3.5 rounded up. But all in all, I enjoyed myself and read the whole thing in only two sittings which says a lot for someone with a short attention span.

Photo of a
4 stars
May 21, 2024

Mariana Zapata and her slowburns!!!!

Photo of aileeeeeeen
5 stars
Apr 26, 2024

Sal should have given pat because she is way too strong and patient to keep up with Kulti.

Photo of Isabella
Isabella @iscbella
3 stars
Mar 13, 2024

I'm not a big fan of slow-burn, so when I realized this book was slow-burn, I was starting to lose interest. The romance started on the latter part of the book, but now that I realized it, I think it's for the better, given their circumstance. I enjoyed the build up of their friendship, but then again, I felt like the latter part was rushed. This is my first MZ book, so I don't know if this is how the author usually writes. Interestingly enough, I liked this book because of its slow-burn as well. It allowed their relationship to develop naturally which is something we don't often see in romance books. I have nothing against this book. I believed it gave what it wanted to give, but I guess, it's just not entirely my cup of tea. I liked this book, but I wouldn't consider it as one of my favorites.

Photo of Ana Luiza
Ana Luiza@anaelin
4 stars
Mar 1, 2024

Não existe ninguém que escreve romance como Mariana Zapata. Não sou a maior fã do gênero, mas sou apaixonada pelos livros dela. Tem anos que estou pra ler Kulti e fico feliz que finalmente peguei, é maravilhoso. Sempre termino os livros dela querendo pegar outro kkkk

Photo of Arielis Valentin
Arielis Valentin@arielis03
4.5 stars
Feb 26, 2024


Photo of Gabriela Kondratyuk
Gabriela Kondratyuk@buginasunflower
5 stars
Jan 9, 2024

This was perfection like always. I can confidently say I know I’m gonna have a perfect read if the author is Mariana Zapata 😭♥️

Photo of Wilma Lindmark
Wilma Lindmark@wilmalindmark
2 stars
Jun 20, 2023

I had so high hopes for this one since I LOVED from Lukov with love and the wall of Winnipeg and me... but it didn't meet my expectations. I didn't feel any chemistry between them and the relationship between them felt strange. Because when I read slow burns I read it for the angst and tension which I didn't feel while reading this book. I don't like age gap either because when its 13 years between them I have to pretend that he is younger, but that's just on me. However the book was well written but it felt like a big part of the book could have been left out, I like how the football parts were written and the balance between football and Sal's life but I missed the romance. But I really liked Sal's character and how she developed in the book. Would I recommend this? No, not really, if you want a slow burn there are so many other books and I think Mariana Zapata is very good at writing just slow burns but this one didn't hit the mark...

Photo of Michaella
Michaella @zebra4188
5 stars
May 22, 2023

I read this one freaking day. This was so wholesome and cute. The best romance I've read in a hot minute!

Photo of Danyella Barajas
Danyella Barajas@danyella
5 stars
May 17, 2023

mariana has made me come to love the slowburn trope, but in this sense. her writing style and pacing is a lot slower than regular romance slowburn. what i love about her slowburns like this is the little crumbs you start to get once the mcs get closer and their relationship develops, i start giggling and kicking my feet and all they did was finally make eye contact like 200 pages in lolol. jokes aside, this book was a masterpiece!!!! it was everything i want in a romance book. a bad bitch female mc who is a beast in her sport, who is kind and loyal and so so giving. then a grumpy male mc who doesn’t care for anyone except her!!! the way kulti expressed his love for sal without even needing to say a thing, his love language is definitely acts of service. i absolutely adored this book and am debating if i need the physical copy. one of my favorite reads of the year

Photo of Faith Kitowski
Faith Kitowski@faithkitowski
5 stars
Mar 20, 2023

so so so so so good. my brain was like short circuiting. this was my first mariana zapata book and it definitely isn’t my last. ahhh excuse me while i go add kulti to my list of book boyfriends cause that man… oh man

Photo of jupiter
4 stars
Mar 2, 2023

one of my fav books by her <3 4.5

Photo of Erin Campbell
Erin Campbell@erincampbell
5 stars
Feb 24, 2023

this filled the void the world cup left

Photo of melanie alvarez
melanie alvarez @melaniealvarez_7
4 stars
Feb 20, 2023

4.5 ⭐️ ms zapata never disappoints

Photo of Allison Freedman
Allison Freedman@bookmamaa
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

4/5 ⚽️ “Nothing would happen. We would have a different adventure to go on. You are my best friend, my love, my playmate and my teammate. You’ll have a team with me wherever we are, with whatever we are playing.” Alright Mariana Zapata takes the cake when it comes to slow burns. I mean this was excruciatingly slow in the best way.. I found myself glancing down at how much I had left on my kindle and seriously questioning if Sal and Rey would even kiss! Let alone hug! But man was it a joy to read. Once Rey opens up he is *chefs kiss*. A soccer super star babe. His love confession to Sal had me WEAK physically weak in the knees. Who knew a guy who barely said shit the first half of the book had the ability to sweep a girl off her feet. The banter and the writing were so well done, it was difficulty for me to put this down. Not only did I love the main characters, but also Sals dad was such a fun addition. I do wish we got more backstory regarding Eric and Rey’s encounter. The epilogue was the perfect touch to this book. It was short and sweet, but still so heartwarming. If you can stand a slow burn and I mean schnecke paced, definitely pick this up.

Photo of 🧸
5 stars
Feb 1, 2023

“Hey, you German bratwurst.” I just finished it and I have tears in my eyes I'm so sad it ended 😭💗💗 Sal is so funny omgg I love herrr the scene where she put rey in his place had me cheering and screaming at 3am. BEST SCENE EVER. this is my 5th favorite book of mz. man this author really has me wrapped around her finger I'd read anything written by her and im not even complaining.

Photo of Addie 🌻
Addie 🌻@addie_reads
5 stars
Jan 31, 2023

This was perfect. The slow burn was absolutely delicious and I read majority of this book in one day in order to finish it. I loved everything. I loved Sal and her personality and Reiner and his grumpiness. Honestly, I do not have a single fault with this book! It was indeed just perfect. I just wish I had annotated it, but at least I have an excuse to go back, reread and do exactly that.

Photo of menna
4 stars
Jan 31, 2023

there were a few things that kind of didn't set well with me, not big things just few things here and there, but other than that I was reading this with a grin on my face and I couldn't have stopped smiling even if my life depended on it.

Photo of jupiter
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

one of my fav books by her <3 4.5

Photo of bella <3
bella <3@isabellaisabella
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

that last chapter had me running laps


Photo of Gabriela Kondratyuk
Gabriela Kondratyuk@buginasunflower

“He was hugging me.”

God I’m a whore for this

Photo of Maria
Maria @mariamathilde

»Head in the game, Sal. Keep your head in the game. Worry about things when they happen instead of wasting your time anticipating.«

Photo of Maria
Maria @mariamathilde

»people are going to judge you regardless of what you do, Sal. Don't listen to what they have to say because at the end of the day, you're the one that has to live with your choices and where they take you. No one else is going to live your life for you.«

Photo of SG

“Take a closer look.” I took the phone from him and brought it up to my face, enlarging the image to see what he wanted to show me. It was a picture of a picture. Well, of a drawing to be exact. It was an orange sheet of construction paper with big, black words written in a little kid’s handwriting. Wait a second. I looked even closer, blowing up the image more. It was the little kid version of my handwriting. Dear Mr. Kulti, You are my favorite player. I play soccer 2 butt I’m not good like you are. Not yet. I practice all the time so 1 day I can be just like you or beter. I watch all of ur games so don’t mess up. Ur #1 fan, Sal P.S. Do u have a girl friend? P.P.S. Why don’t u cut ur hair?

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Photo of SG

“This is what matters. You are my gift, my second chance, and I will cherish you and your dream. I will protect both of you. “I’ve been waiting, and I will keep on waiting until the time is right. You are my equal, my partner, my teammate, my best friend. I’ve done so many stupid things that you’ve made me regret—things I hope you will forgive me for and look beyond— but this, waiting a little longer for the love of my life, I can do. “You are the most honest, warm, loving person I know. Your loyalty and friendship amazes me every day. I have never wanted anything more in my life than I want your love, and I don’t want to share that with anyone. I haven’t done a single thing in my life to deserve you, schnecke, but I will never give up on you, and I won’t let you give up on me.”

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Photo of SG

“I came to the Pipers for you.”

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Photo of SG

A shadow came over my chest, followed shortly by, “You have more in you, schnecke. Get up.” I kept my eyes closed. The temptation to ignore him was overwhelming, but I couldn’t do that. Pretending like he wasn’t there would just give him more power. On top of that, schnecke? What the hell did that mean? It didn’t matter. Whatever. “I’ll be up in a second,” I told him on a long exhale.

The very first schnecke <3

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Photo of SG

When Kulti had broken my brother’s leg, I made my choice. I would choose my brother every single time. Except as my lips formed the shape it took to enunciate the letter ‘b’ for bitch, I remembered. I remembered what Gardner had warned us of two weeks ago during our first Pipers meeting. If I hear any of you call him Führer, you’re out of here. Fuck me. Calling him a bitch wasn’t better, was it? A bag of dicks wasn’t much better either. My lips sealed themselves together and in response my nostrils flared. “He isn’t an imbecile, but Eric is my brother,” I answered him carefully. My eye was starting to twitch.

I love her temper so very much.

Photo of liz

"My schnecke. My little snail, do you know that’s what it means? It’s a term of affection in my country. My love. My snail. I don’t want to waste more time. I have nothing to hide and neither do you.” I tilted my head back, my throat completely exposed as I sighed in desperation. “Please don’t say stuff like that.” “It’s the truth.” “No, it’s not. We’re friends. You said I was your best friend, remember? You can love me but not be in—“ I couldn’t say it. I shut my mouth and gave him an exasperated look. “I can and I am. When you love something you do whatever you need to do to protect it, isn’t that right?” He tilted his face down, making sure our eyes were meeting.

Ey, my german side was proud that I knew what that meant.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of liz

"I know you. I know that someone who will defend her father and risk losing her career is someone I can trust, someone that I can respect. Loyalty is one of the most precious things I’ve ever encountered. You don’t know the things people would do to get ahead, and I would bet my life you would never turn your back on anyone that needed you. “Every single thing that has ever happened in my life has led me here, Sal. Destiny is a ladder, a series of steps that takes you where you’re supposed to go. I am the man that I am, and I have done the things that I’ve done, to get me to you.”


Photo of liz

“—and I understood that you’d grown up.” Kulti rubbed my lower back. “I take so much pride in knowing you’ve become the player you are because you looked up to me, Sal. It’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever been paid.”


Photo of liz

Those big muscular arms tightened around me. “You could never disappointment me.” Did his voice sound strange or was I imagining it? “Not in this life, Sal.” Yeah, that didn’t help at all.

Ah yes, we know.

Photo of liz

"You’re supposed to protect what you love, Sal. You taught me that. I didn’t wake up one day and know I didn’t want to live without your horrible temper. I saw so much of me in you at first, but you aren’t like me at all. You’re you, and I will go to my grave before I let anyone change any part of you. I know that without a doubt in my mind. This,” he pointed between us. “This is what matters. You are my gift, my second chance, and I will cherish you and your dream. I will protect both of you. “I’ve been waiting, and I will keep on waiting until the time is right. You are my equal, my partner, my teammate, my best friend. I’ve done so many stupid things that you’ve made me regret—things I hope you will forgive me for and look beyond— but this, waiting a little longer for the love of my life, I can do. “You are the most honest, warm, loving person I know. Your loyalty and friendship amazes me every day. I have never wanted anything more in my life than I want your love, and I don’t want to share that with anyone. I haven’t done a single thing in my life to deserve you, schnecke, but I will never give up on you, and I won’t let you give up on me.”

My hopeless romantic heart just skipped a beat or two...

Photo of liz

You scared the hell out of me!” An image of a lion with a thorn in his paw flicked through my head and by some miracle I didn’t smile. “You’re yelling,” I stated very calmly, eating up his reaction. “Of course I’m yelling! I was yelling at you when you were pretending to be dead on the field, taking ten years off my life,” he snapped, his face going red at the cheeks. “I thought—” he shot me a sharp look that almost alarmed me. “Don’t ever do that to me again. I’m too young to die of a heart attack.” Holy crap, he’d really been worried. I loved it. I loved it so much I snorted despite the sharp pain that spiked through my head. “I would say claiming you’re too young is a bit debatable, don’t you think?” The German tilted his head up and cursed something low and long in German. “You were brought to this planet to give me an ulcer, weren’t you?”

This whole conversation was just *chef kiss*

Photo of liz

"I don't know how I've lived my entire life without you and your kind, encouraging words. Really. It's a miracle I've survived this long."

Sal and her humor. <3