Die historischen Tragödien »Maria Stuart in Schottland«, »Marie Roland«, »Richelieu«, »Jacobäa«

Die historischen Tragödien »Maria Stuart in Schottland«, »Marie Roland«, »Richelieu«, »Jacobäa«

Marianne Henn2006
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916) is recognized as one of the leading German-speaking prose writers but she began her writing with historical tragedies. For the first time, this edition presents a complete and critical genesis of the texts, based on handwritten manuscripts and printed versions. It provides the two completed tragedies with their textual changes and her authorized version as well as the historical plays that remained fragments: »Maria Stuart in Schottland«, »Marie Roland«, »Richelieu« und »Jacobäa«. With the exception of the virtual ruler of France, Richelieu, Ebner-Eschenbach chose as heroines powerful women in historically turbulent times and portrayed them in their greatness and weakness, thereby providing an alternate female perspective on history.
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