Types for Proofs and Programs

Types for Proofs and Programs International Conference, TYPES 2007, Cividale Del Friuli, Italy, May 2-5, 2007, Revised Selected Papers

These proceedings contain a selection of refereed papers presented at or related totheAnnualWorkshopoftheTYPESproject(EUcoordinationaction510996), which was held during May 2–5, 2007 in Cividale del Friuli (Udine), Italy. The topic of this workshop was formal reasoning and computer progr- ming basedon type theory:languagesand computerized toolsfor reasoning,and applications in several domains such as analysis of programming languages, c- ti?ed software, formalization of mathematics and mathematics education. The workshopwasattended by morethan 100researchersandincluded morethan 40 presentations. We also had the pleasure of three invited lectures, from Fr´ ed´ eric Blanqui (INRIA, Protheo team), Peter Sewell (University of Cambridge) and Amy Felty (University of Ottawa). From 22 submitted papers, 13 were selected after a reviewing process. Each submitted paper was reviewed by three referees; the ?nal decisions were made by the editors. This workshop is the last of a series of meetings of the TYPES working group funded by the European Union (IST project 29001, ESPRIT Working Group 21900, ESPRIT BRA 6435).
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