Fragments Made Whole

Fragments Made Whole A Journey from Hopelessness

Fragments Made Whole was birthed in my struggle to find the meaning and purpose to my life. Born into a world where I knew nothing but pain, I abhorred my very existence. I needed and wanted so desperately to be healed of this pain! This book is about my journey to find wholeness! My life was on a spiral spin toward death: the pains and struggles of my childhood painted an ugly picture of whom I should become; this was to dictate my future and map out for me a path of pain, misery and destruction. I lived my life trying to drown out the many voices, which haunted my every step; these were voices, which told me that misery and pain was all that life would hold for me; that there was no future in me and I was supposed to end my life through my lifestyle. I was an alcoholic whose only means of survival was to drink from the moment I woke until I fell asleep. I tried everything I could to stop the pain, and for a moment the drinking, smoke and sex would shut out all the voices around me. But when the sex was over and the drink didn't work anymoreA[a¬A]all it left was a vile taste in my mouth. When everything you've tried no longer works and the voices within begin to torment you and cry out all the more, you have only two options: go back to the thing that once silenced them or search for the something that would make them stopA[a¬A]and that is where you once would find me, searching through the ruins of my life, hoping and praying that among these fragments I would find me. Yet, in among these ruins, through my struggles and pain someone found me and brought me to a place of healingA[a¬A] Fragments made whole!
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