Basics - Bible Study Book

Basics - Bible Study Book Understanding the Foundations of a Healthy Church

Church Basics Bible Study Book includes small-group experiences for six sessions, individual study opportunities, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," and tips for leading a group. A leader guide is included at the back to help leaders navigate the content while developing better practices for small group leadership. God cares about His glory, and He wants to display His glory through the church. God's revelation, purpose, and will are perfect. However, because He's chosen to involve His people in His work, carrying out His mission includes our organization and effort. For this reason, it's imperative that we understand the basics of church. A comprehensive and rich understanding of the church, its organization, and its practices strengthens our service and ministry as the body of Christ on earth. Church Basics Bible Study: provides a biblical explanation of baptism explains the meaning of the Lord's Supper, how it relates to the church's life together, and who should celebrate it reveals that the congregation's mission is to promote and protect the gospel shows how church discipline demonstrates love for an individual caught in sin explores the roles of elders, deacons, members, and the congregation illustrates how God intends to fulfill the Great Commission through local churches Individual study may be customized for the group or even for each individual. Study options include a weekly reading plan, journaling exercises, and interactive devotions. Session titles: Baptism and the Lord's Supper The Congregation's Authority Church Discipline Stewardship Church Leadership The Great Commission and the Church Features: Biblically rooted and gospel-centered Leader guide at the back of each book Individual study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth Six sessions with group and personal study Benefits: Give group members a better understanding of church basics for more effective ministry. Expose individuals to a biblical model of church that confronts more casual and even inaccurate understandings. Help group members understand the meaning and importance of baptism. Gain a transformational understanding of the Lord's Supper. Affirm that the church is more about its mission than about programs and meetings. Understand the heart of church discipline. Rally individuals around a Great Commission commitment. Grasp a biblical model of church leadership. Author: Robert Bruce Jamieson III is a PhD student in New Testament at the University of Cambridge. He previously served as an assistant editor for 9Marks and is the author of Going Public: Why Baptism Is Required for Church Membership. Jonathan Leeman (PhD, University of Wales) is an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., the editorial director at 9Marks, and the author of Don't Fire Your Church Members: The Case for Congregationalism. Mark Dever (PhD, Cambridge) is the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and the president of 9Marks. He has written multiple books on the church, including The Church: The Gospel Made Visible.
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