Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition
Following the success of the original OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE came the DELUXE EDITION - expanded, augmented and fully updated! Now, the ultimate guide to the mid-1980s Marvel Universe is collected in a single gigantic hardcover for the very first time! The OHOTMU DELUXE EDITION featured fact-packed character profiles illustrated by some of the era's biggest names including John Byrne, Frank Miller, Arthur Adams, Walter Simonson, Bill Sienkiewicz and many more! Immerse yourself in hundreds of in-depth profiles of Marvel's greatest heroes and villains - from Abomination to Zzzax and everyone in between! Plus an array of alien races, equipment schematics, maps, and a rundown of the dearly departed in the Book of the Dead! If you only buy one Marvel encyclopedia, make it this one! Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition (1985) 1-20