Homeland Security

Homeland Security Federal Protective Service Should Improve Human Capital Planning and Better Communicate with Tenants

The Federal Protective Service (FPS), as part of the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), is responsible for providing security services to about 9,000 federal facilities. In recent years, FPS downsized its workforce from 1,400 to about 1,000 full-time employees. In 2008, there was concern about the impact that downsizing had on FPS's mission. In FY 2008 and 2009 Congress mandated FPS maintain no fewer than 1,200 employees. This report determines the extent to which: (1) FPS has hired and trained new staff to address its mandated staffing levels; (2) FPS has developed a strategic human capital plan to manage its current and future workforce needs; and (3) FPS's customers are satisfied with the services it provides. Illustrations.
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