
Well that was... mediocre. Reborn has an interesting premise. When you die, you are reborn at a seemingly random age in a fantasy-style world. The more good (or evil) you are, the more powerful you are. Our protagonist was an old woman who died of a stroke when she reincarnates as a sexy 25 year old warrior queen, destined to take out the big bad. Yeah, the premise rapidly goes from interesting to not. Sexy warrior queen finds her father, but she has to track down her husband and stuff and I didn't really care. It's an oddly emotionless book despite all of the potential to play-up heartache and disappointment. Hell, even wonder! It feels a bit like a storyboard for a TV show where most of the emotive work would be added in with music and actors. As a comic, however, it falls rather flat.

Great art; wildly male gaze, tone deaf, bad dialogue story. Any time a woman is wearing an outfit where lines are around her private parts though, I suppose it’s a shout out.