

Mark Millar2017
The Millar-Capullo smash-hit sell out REBORN is here.Where do you go when you die? Not heaven or hell; somewhere else. Somewhere youhave to fight to survive. Somewhere the people from the past are waiting foryou-the good and the bad. Superstar creators MARK MILLAR and GREG CAPULLOjoin forces to create the sci-fi story of the year, collecting issues1-6.
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Photo of Maggie Gordon
Maggie Gordon@maggieg
2 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Fraser Simons
Fraser Simons@frasersimons
2 stars
Jun 9, 2022
Photo of Steve
5 stars
Apr 2, 2024
Photo of Jeff James
Jeff James@unsquare
4 stars
Jan 3, 2023
Photo of Julian Sánchez Ostiz Lange
Julian Sánchez Ostiz Lange@jsostiz
4 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of Dario Santos
Dario Santos @dario
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022
Photo of Manon
1 star
Dec 15, 2021
Photo of Abi Baker
Abi Baker@wicdiv
4 stars
Sep 30, 2021