The Ghost at Brooklands Museum

The Ghost at Brooklands Museum

I am the first person (to my knowledge) to set a work of fiction at Brooklands Museum or Brooklands racing circuit. The circuit has a rich history and was the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit built in 1907. In its heyday in the 1930s races at Brooklands such as the Brooklands 500 Miles Race (incorporated in the novel) were as popular as Wimbledon or Ascot. Brooklands Museum is hugely popular with over 170,000 annual visitors. Brooklands Museum has also had numerous ghost sightings over the years. Ghostly sightings of racing drivers have been reported at multiple locations where the circuit still exists or once stood. This provided a lot of inspiration for setting a ghost novel at Brooklands. The novel itself is centred on Brooklands' record breaking race car (which now resides in the museum) the Napier-Railton. The car, which was built in a workshop at Brooklands, holds the all-time lap record at the circuit. As the full circuit is no longer complete, this record will stand forever. The car is incredibly beautiful and is regularly exhibited and run at international motor shows. As a one-of a kind, unique automobile it is currently valued at over �7m. Some photos of me with the car have been shared as per the above request. Finally, all profits I personally make from the novel will be donated to Brooklands Museum.
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