Prince and the Pauper

Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
Three stars this time. Most of this book went over my head the first time reading it. I also think I must have read a heavily edited version to be more child friendly in terms of language.

Gillian Rose@glkrose
A much better experience with Mark Twain! This could be because I weirdly love identical stranger stories! There was some confusing parts, but I didn't mind!

Daryl Houston@dllh
I had read this in middle school and didn't love it then. More recently, I read it to my daughter, and we enjoyed it a lot. It's not a life-changing book for me or anything, but it was funny and kind-hearted if a little moralistic.


Molly M@molsmcq

Elisabeth Bontrager@livingforjesus08

Hannah DCamp@wererabbit

Haleemah Sadiah@haleemahsadiah


Carissa @currancm

Jennifer S@shancora

Julie Headrick@momof5kiddos

Luca Masters@lkbm

Larisa @lrs19

Adriana Gómez @adri_r

Michael Springer@djinn-n-juice


Reza Tavasoli@rezatvs


Cat Josephson@themorrigan12

Milan Davidović@miland


Hyacinthe Karin@hyacinthe

Caitlin Bohannon@waitingforoctober