Ka-Zar by Mark Waid & Andy Kubert - Volume 1

Ka-Zar by Mark Waid & Andy Kubert - Volume 1

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Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
2 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Well.. fun times with Ka-Zar. Read this if you're a fan of Ka-Zar, otherwise, I wouldn't give it a go. The artwork is ok. Half the time confusing as fuck. Not liking it most of the time. Meh. Oh well. The colouring I liked. The story was meh too. It was ok. Sometimes interesting, and wanted to see where it's going but too much boring as fuck dialogue was messing up the interesting stuff. Why you kept reading if it was meh? Because of Thanos. Yeah. Thanos is in this one and the next volume of Ka-Zar, and I'm doing a binge-read for Thanos. Also the 2 volumes were on sale so... yeah! Anyway, I went into this thinking it would be a fun ride into the Savage Land oh boy was I wrong... 5 pages in it and the fuckin Tarzan wannabe goes back to NY. Fuck off Ka-Zar. Stay in your jungle. If I want to read NY shit I'd read F4 or Spidey. It had it's moments sure. But it also had so many bad moments. Bad. boring writing.. cringe-worthy panels, like Ka-Zar literally being like "OH MY GOD I HOPE MY PET SABRE-TOOTH didn't just eat them. (THOSE WHO TRIED TO KILL ME MY WIFE AND MY KID JUST NOW).." while looking at the fucking sabre tooth in front of the "knocked out" bad guys. Fuck that. BAD BAD BAAAAADDDD as FUCK writing. It's a fucking Sabre-Tooth. You better HOPE he eats the fucking bad guy who tries to kill you your wife and you baby. FUCK that. Good stuff you say? Some nice story-telling that's consistent I guess, like, the main plot.. the dialogue as I said was boring as fuck, and bad. The main plot was good, the execution and all. Other than that, as I said, read this if you're a Ka-Zar fan. I doubt there's any fans of this dude out there but yeah.