The Way She Lied

The Way She Lied

Marla Madison2017
When psychologist Lisa Rayburn is offered the chance to evaluate the psychiatric release of Roman Guerrero-a man who confessed to slaughtering eleven people nearly a decade earlier-she's both tempted and wary. The ramifications of any decision regarding the man's release might just outweigh the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with such a fascinating-and mysterious-subject. Was Guerrero the one responsible for what happened the night eleven people died in a Milwaukee restaurant? Nobody really knows, but the community is in an uproar over the possibility of a mass murderer being released into their midst. While Lisa interviews Guerrero and struggles to stay objective, her friends-private investigator TJ Peacock and crime reporter/blogger Bart Kosik-push Lisa to join them in investigating the ten-year-old mystery of the Guerrero murders. Hampered by patient confidentiality, Lisa can only listen to her friend's theories of the case. But it isn't until their lives, as well as hers, are at stake that Lisa finally realizes she has to make a decision. Question is: is she too late?
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