Quality-Driven Designs

Quality-Driven Designs 36 Activities to Reinforce TQM Concepts

Put your organization on the road to quality Quality-Driven Designs presents a lighthearted, interactive way to emphasize the fundamental concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM). You can easily incorporate these 36 field-tested exercises into your current quality training efforts. These field-tested activities generate enthusiasm for total quality throughout the organization by focusing attention on fundamental quality concepts. You'll find these activities instructional, with lots of room for creative thinking. The Advancing the Mission activity, for instance, helps participants identify problems that their organization would benefit most from solving. The ponder the problems they encounter in their jobs and speculate what it would take to solve them. Then they analyze how their problems could be solved so both the organization's requirements--and their own needs--are met! These activities are adaptable to a variety of training situations such as: Reinforcing a specific concept Mental break time, while continuing the learning process Recharging a group session Warm-up exercises, prior to a training session...and much more! For fingertip access to a wealth of easy-to-administer TQM activities, get Quality-Driven Designs today! These activities are designed to: Introduce quality and TQM concepts Interest participants in achieving quality Create enthusiasm for the achievements that will result from commitment to quality TIMING: Activities range in time from 10 minutes to one hour AUDIENCE: All levels of employees
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