The Linguistics Enterprise

The Linguistics Enterprise From Knowledge of Language to Knowledge in Linguistics

The linguistics enterprise : from knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics / Martin Everaert ... [et al.] -- Scope ambiguities through the mirror / Raffaella Bernardi -- Phonetic and phonological approaches to early word recognition : empirical findings, methodological issues, and theoretical implications / Paola Escudero & Titia Benders -- Restructuring head and argument in West-Germanic / Arnold E. Evers -- Scope assignment in child language : on the role of the question under discussion / Andrea Gualmini & Sharon Unsworth -- The learnability of A-bar chains / Jacqueline van Kampen -- Looking at anaphora : the psychological reality of the primitives of binding model / Arnout W. Koornneef -- Incremental discourse processing : how coherence relations influence the resolution of pronouns / Willem M. Mak & Ted J.M. Sanders -- Theoretical validity and psychological reality of the grammatical code / Ad Neeleman & Hans van de Koot -- Monitoring for speech errors has different functions in inner and overt speech / Sieb Nooteboom -- What's in a quantifier? / Rick Nouwen -- Minimal versus not so minimal pronouns : feature transmission, feature deletion, and the role of economy in the language system / Eric Reuland -- Against partitioned readings of reciprocals / Sivan Sabato & Yoad Winter -- The representation and processing of fixed and compositional expressions / Joost Schilperoord & Rein Cozijn -- Clitic doubling in Spanish : agreement of the third kind / Jan Schroten -- Metalinguistic processing and acquisition within the MOGUL framework / Michael Sharwood Smith -- Catching heffalumps : onset fricatives in child speech / Wim Zonneveld
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