Jesus My Son

Jesus My Son Mary's Journal of Jesus' Ministry

Mary Bailey2012
Did Mary keep a journal? We know she kept one in her heart, but what if she had only written her account of the activities of her son’s ministry? What insights might we gain through her conversations with the weary travelers who stopped at the carpentry shop to discuss Jesus’ actions? Through Mary’s conversations with the people who received some of these miracles, we are given a new point of view of the environment at that time, and the background of the people involved. Were the scribes and Pharisees, and even Jesus’ brothers, justified in their condemnation of Jesus’ teaching? Did Mary ever doubt her son’s actions even though she knew He was conceived by the Holy Spirit? Her journal entries provide possible answers to questions often asked of Jesus’ ministry. Mary even introduces a few new miracles that were not included in the scriptures. As John tells us in 21:25, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.” This heartwarming rendition of Jesus’ ministry through the eyes of His mother provides a fresh perspective to some very old stories.
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