The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution

Mary Collins2000
The time in this country's history when people moved from working on farms to working in factories is known as the Industrial Revolution. It's impossible to name the precise day the revolution began because it occurred as the result of changes that put an end to agriculture as the most common way of life in the United States, ultimately leading to an improvement in the quality of life both at home and at work. This book details how the revolution first took root in England and spread to the United States, prompting the development of factories, railroads, and assembly lines. The development of the clock industry provides an interesting illustration of how the revolution changed people's lives. No longer were they guided by the amount of daylight available to perform their farming duties. Instead, they had to concern themselves with the hour at which they were required to be at work in the factories. The author includes a discussion of the positive and negative effects of the Revolution.
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