
Nobody loves Mary Downing Hahn more than me. I read several of her works, and although she wrote over 40 books, I intend to read them all. However, this one simply didn't do anything for me. I went in this book with high expectations because of the high rating it had on GR. No other book of hers was rated that high. Unfortunately, for me, it turned out to be the weakest work I've read of hers so far. The story follows Ally that has been living with her depressed mother for a while. She finds a mysterious picture with her mother and her aunt as children and the silhouette of another child whose face was ripped from the picture. Her mother refuses to talk about the picture, but when Ally goes with her aunt to live near the Lake where the two women grew up, the truth is set to come out no matter how much one may want to bury it. It should have been over exciting, but it... Wasn't. There wasn't much to the story either. The whole mystery was not that big of a deal after all. The book had no tension, and I can hardly think of it as being horror in any way. A ghost story doesn't mean a book horror. I will continuely to read the rest of this amazing author stories, but I will pick them according to their descriptions, not their ratings from now on.

I never really read ghost stories, but a few years ago, I saw the book in the library, and it captured my interest. Sissy is so strange, and spiteful, for seemly no reason. And who is Teresa? Why is Ali's aunt trying to hide that she ever existed????