Competing in a Service Economy

Competing in a Service Economy How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Service Development and Innovation

Competing in a Service Economy is a hands-on guide tocreating services, with illustrative examples from service-orientedcompanies including Disney, Ericsson, IKEA, National Association ofConvenience Stores, Ritz Carlton, Scandinavian Airline Systems,Sterling Pulp Chemicals, and Telia Mobile. This practical resourcefor executives, general managers, and managers in marketing,operations, and human resources reveals how to gain a competitiveadvantage by creating and implementing a strategic plan that willultimately improve their organization's services. Written by theauthors of the best-selling book Improving CustomerSatisfaction, Loyalty, and Profit, this important new book willhelp business professionals to think and plan strategically todramatically improve services, service development, and serviceinnovation within their organizations.
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