Attack of the Kaiju Age of Monsters
Attack of the Kaiju: Volume 1 Age of Monsters is an anthology of giant monster stories that looks at Kaiju and their effect on humanity from various points of view. Stories range from witnessing and dealing with kaiju attacks from the perspectives of everyday people like businessmen, soldiers, scientists, special effects masters, and families. The anthology also deals with perspective of giant monster attacks from super heroes, spies, wizards, fairies, other kaiju, and even the great Sherlock Holmes himself! This anthology offers a wide arrange of writers from established Kaiju Novelists including; Zach Cole, Timothy Price, Jesse Wilson, and Matthew Dennion. Also featured are short story masters like Neil Riebe and Christofer Nigro. Most importantly this anthology offers several stories from first time writers who are on the precipice of becoming renowned kaiju authors in their own right! From of the uninhabited areas, such as the swamps of Florida to the bottom of the ocean. From the time of myth and legend, to the streets of early 19th century London, to the End of Days. The Attack of the Kaiju has begun!